Problem achilles tendon pain What helps against the symptoms?

Problem achilles tendon pain What helps against the symptoms? / Health News

Achilles tendon pain: what can help those affected

Although complaints of the Achilles tendon often come slowly, once they have set in, they can be extremely persistent and tedious. Triggers can be over- or incorrect loads. But obesity can also promote Achilles tendon pain. Health experts explain what people can do about the complaints.

Already in Greek mythology a sore point

Only on the heel was the Greek mythical Achilles vulnerable - and that's where an arrow hit him! This site still hurts many people walking when the Achilles tendon or the surrounding tissue is irritated or inflamed. Achilles tendon pain does not have to be accepted. You can also do something about it.

Especially athletes and runners often find it: Achilles tendon pain. The complaints can be very persistent and tedious. Experts explain what people can do. (Image: oneinchpunch /

Pain can have many causes

The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the human body. At each step she transmits the power of the calf muscles to the foot.

In particular, the powerful repulsion of the foot from the ground as in running and jumping is exposed to heavy use.

Pain on the Achilles tendon is common in running, jumping and ball sports, as it comes permanently to great stress. Many athletes suffer from irritation and inflammation of the Achilles tendon.

But not only too strong a sporting stress, but also incorrect footwear can lead to discomfort on the Achilles tendon.

An international team of researchers in the "Journal of Experimental Biology" reported that stiletto heels can damage the Achilles tendon.

Furthermore, shortened calf muscles, obesity, and misalignment of the feet and legs have an unfavorable effect on the tendon.

Degenerative changes in the area of ​​the foot and arthritis can also trigger Achilles tendon pain.

In addition, the symptoms may be caused by infectious or metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

Therapy options

Achilles tendon pain is usually treated conservatively physically and with anti-inflammatory drugs. The tendon must be relieved depending on the severity and stage of inflammation.

Those affected are often advised to do exercises to strengthen the Achilles tendon and leg muscles as part of physiotherapy.

In some cases, ultrasound treatments, electrotherapy (TENS), massage of the affected muscle or tendon fibers, shockwave therapy or acupuncture are also useful.

In addition, special medical bandages with a compressive knit and integrated silicone pad can relieve the Achilles tendon.

These stabilize the ankle, massage the Achilles tendon and promote blood circulation and thus relieve irritation and pain. In the acute phase, heel wedges can also relieve the Achilles tendon.

Orthopedic shoe inserts that correct posture can also help. Furthermore, pain and swelling can be alleviated by mild cold treatments with cold compresses.

Sometimes heat - with the help of a heating pad or a hot water bottle - makes sense to promote blood circulation. Also massages with anti-inflammatory creams or ointments support the recovery.

The treatment should always be co-ordinated with a doctor on the exact clinical picture. (Ad)