Cheap sunscreen as well as expensive

Cheap sunscreen as well as expensive / Health News

Cheap sunscreen with good results


Cheap sun creams cut in the test at Stiftung Warentest better than expensive sunscreen. Among the 20 products tested, the discounter brands had the best results. Accordingly, it is necessary to access expensive brands for the sunscreen.

Expensive products are not always worthwhile
If you want to enjoy your holiday to the full, you should not forget the sunscreen. Because a painful sunburn not only spoils the relaxed mood but also increases the risk of skin cancer. Stiftung Warentest therefore recommends an SPF of at least 30. Sunscreens should always be liberally applied for optimum protection. With proper dosage, the sunscreen only lasts about three days. A price and quality comparison is worthwhile in any case.

According to Stiftung Warentest, the discounter brands of dm, Lidl and Müller were particularly convincing. They finished with a grade of 1.7 and are thus test winners. Their price of 1.20 to 2.25 euros convinced. The second most expensive Avon and eco products for 18.70 euros were rated 5.0 „inadequate“ rated.

Fragrances in sunscreens can trigger allergies
According to Stiftung Warentest, the test result for the skin compatibility of the sun creams was consistently good. Only with allergic persons certain ingredients could cause irritation.

Ökotest also regularly checks sun creams. As early as 2010, consumer advocates noticed that many product manufacturers use mineral filter substances. According to the experts, these substances could act like hormones. Producers are only required from 2013 to include this substance in the ingredients on the packaging. Even fragrances are regularly negatively evaluated in the study of Ökotest. They could cause allergies and cause skin irritation in sensitive people. Ökotest advises consumers to resort to natural cosmetics as far as possible. (Ag)

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Picture: Picture: Manfred Walker