Examination for dioxin eggs also in Berlin
Also in Berlin checking for dioxin eggs
(09.05.2010) Dioxin contaminated eggs were found in several German states. Now the Berlin Veterinary and Food Offices are also checking eggs for their dioxin content. As the Senate Administration for Health and Consumer Protection announced on Saturday, it is now checked whether eggs from the batches in the Berlin trade have come, a spokeswoman for the Senate Administration. However, concrete results are not yet available and are expected at the beginning of next week.
In several organic farms of different federal states dioxin strains were found in eggs. Supermarket chains such as Lidl and Rewe have eaten eggs from the market on Friday as a precautionary measure. The high dioxin content was most likely caused by the chicken feed. The explosive: The food was declared extra as organic food.
The effect of dioxin in humans in high amounts is highly harmful to health. In animal experiments it could be observed that it comes with a dioxin poisoning to the "emaciation syndrome". It comes to heavy weight loss and is associated with massive liver damage and metabolic imbalances. A massive dioxin poisoning can lead to death after several days to weeks. However, then a massive poisoning must have taken place. In Germany, there are strict dioxin guidelines, so that the burden of food and air since the 80s has fallen sharply. (Sb)
Also read:
Lidl: Dioxinfund in organic eggs
Picture: siepmannH, Pixelio.de