Pricing - Less chemotherapy for breast cancer

Pricing - Less chemotherapy for breast cancer / Health News

Award of the Junior Award of the Claudia von Schilling Foundation

The West German Study Group (WSG) receives the 10,000 Euro "Breast Cancer Research Junior Award". The study group receives the award for its current breast cancer research studies. The WSG is currently investigating in clinical trials with 10,000 patients from more than 100 clinics in Germany, which patients can do without chemotherapy for breast cancer. Every year, the award honors the Claudia von Schilling Foundation in Hanover to young scientists.

The current treatments for breast cancer are characterized by surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Although the chemotherapy is to protect against relapse, but it also brings significant side effects. Previous results from long-term studies have already shown that 20 percent of patients can be spared chemotherapy. The first results of current projects show that even more than half of the patients do not need chemotherapy.

Scientists receive a prize for breast cancer research. The results of her work could contribute in the future to the fact that 50 percent of breast cancer patients can do without chemotherapy. (Image: hikdaigaku86 /

Half of all breast cancer patients may soon refrain from chemotherapy

The so-called ADAPT study of the WSG, which includes more than 5,000 patients, examines the efficacy and tolerability of the therapies administered and the distribution of risk profiles in breast cancer patients. Initial results show that more than half of the patients no longer require chemotherapy. The WSG examines how effective the anti-hormone therapy will be before surgery. Antihormone therapy blocks estrogens. This is to stop the growth of tumor cells to prevent relapse or further progression of the disease.

The genetic fingerprint gives hints on the effectiveness

"We are exploring how the effectiveness of chemotherapy can be assessed with the help of the so-called genetic fingerprint of breast cancer," explains Dr. med. Gluz, Senior Physician at the Breast Center Niederrhein in a press release of the Hannover Medical School. Another focus of WSG research is the investigation of tissues. The WSG examines whether conventional diagnostics will play a role in the future of modern medicine, also in terms of the costs involved.

Further awards

The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, at 6:00 pm in Hannover. The "Claudia von Schilling Prize", endowed with 20,000 euros, will be awarded to Professor Dr. med. Walter Paul Weber from the University Hospital Basel for the advancement of standards in the field of breast conserving surgery. (Vb)