Cranberry or Cranberry Are there any differences?

Cranberry or Cranberry Are there any differences? / Health News
Cranberry or Cranberry? What is the difference?
(aid) - For many, cranberries and cranberries are the same for some. These are two different plant species from the family of the heather plants, which differ significantly.
The cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) is native to Europe and Asia and thrives on an upright dwarf shrub with broad leaves. He is a maximum of 40 inches high and is wild in coniferous forests, bogs and heaths to find in alpine altitudes. The North American Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), on the other hand, grows on long tendrils and crawls across the ground. The leaves are narrow and tapered.

The fruits are hardly to be confused. The spherical cranberry is about pea-sized and hangs together in short grapes. At first it is white, but at full maturity it turns bright to scarlet. The ruby ​​cranberry, however, is much larger. It can reach almost the size of cherries or olives and is therefore also called "large fruit cranberry".

Where is the difference? Picture: anitasstudio - fotolia

Cranberries and cranberries have similar ingredients. These include organic acids, pectins and other fiber. The levels of minerals and vitamins in the cranberry are rather average (eg 12 mg of vitamin C per 100 g). Particularly valuable are the phenolic acids and tannins contained, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Regular consumption of cranberry and cranberry juice should prevent urinary tract infections.

Cranberries are still in season until October, with market supply being almost entirely determined by collected wild fruits from northern and eastern Europe. They should be thoroughly washed before eating as fox tapeworm eggs can adhere. The herbaceous and slightly bitter berries are only partially suitable for raw consumption. They taste much better in the compote, jelly or in the jam. They are also popular as a fruity side dish for game, poultry and baked Camembert as well as in chutney.

From October to early January fresh cranberries from North America can be found in well-stocked supermarkets. Pay attention to quality when purchasing: High-quality berries are well-matured and can be recognized on a smooth shell without wrinkles and spots. Dried fruits, nectar, jelly, sauces and other cranberry products are part of the assortment all year round. Many recipes can also be prepared with dried fruits out of season if they have been soaked for a few hours in cranberry or apple juice. 50 g of dried cranberries correspond to 100 g of fresh produce. Heike Kreutz, aid