Potency Less stress and healthy food protect men

Potency Less stress and healthy food protect men / Health News
Every second man over 40 affected by dysfunctions
Healthy diet and regular exercise are not only good for the health but also for the love life of men. This is shown by a recent study [1]. It shows that consuming foods rich in so-called flavonoids reduces the risk of impotence by about 10 percent. Those who also do regular sports can even reduce their risk by up to 21 percent. After all, almost half of all men between 40 and 70 years are occasionally affected by the most sensitive male problem, a quarter of those affected even more often. Anyone who suffers from the terminological dysfunction described in the jargon should trust a urologist, even if it is difficult.
Potency stands for strength, strength and masculinity in the stronger sex. But she is also the Achilles heel of the man. Because an unhealthy lifestyle often directly affects the steadfastness of the best piece. Stress at work, problems in the partnership, too much alcohol and cigarettes are just a few of many reasons for erectile dysfunction. "Mental problems such as fear of failure, depression or fatigue are also common causes of erectile dysfunction," explains urologist Dr. med. Reinhold Schaefer from the Uro-GmbH Nordrhein, an association of established urologists. "Likewise, organic dysfunctions such as circulatory disorders, diabetes, thyroid problems, or prostate disease cause the erection to fail, or only partially."

Little stress and a healthy diet protect against impotence. Image: macau - fotolia

But also hormonal imbalances, such as testosterone deficiency or thyroid dysfunction can carry a complicity. However, sufferers often do not recognize the need to talk openly with a doctor. However, what exactly is the cause and what kind of therapy seems reasonable, only a urologist can clarify after a detailed discussion and detailed examination. "The sooner the erectile dysfunction is treated, the better the chances of recovery," Dr. Shepherd.

It is best, however, if it comes not only to potency disorders. Everyone can prevent well with a healthy lifestyle: "Alcohol and cigarettes weaken the circulation in the crucial parts of the body. Nicotine in particular doubles the risk of arterial obstruction, which in some cases even leads to complete inability to erect. " Schaefer, why the renunciation of these stimulants is so important. However, those who regularly move or do light endurance training, promotes the blood circulation of the vessels. Low-fat and vitamin-rich diet also contributes to this. Above all, flavonoid-rich foods such as citrus fruits or red berries protect the potency. These phytochemicals have anti-inflammatory, immune-stabilizing and protect the body from free radicals. It is also important to avoid psychological pressure. Relaxation and distraction not only calm the nerves, but also liven up the love life. (Pm)