Power disturbances A little wine and sport protect against impotence

Power disturbances A little wine and sport protect against impotence / Health News

New study: Wine and sport to protect against impotence
Although men do not like to talk about it, more and more of them suffer from sexual dysfunction. The problem of impotence is much more common than one would expect. According to a new study, it could help sufferers to drink red wine regularly. It contains substances that are supposed to protect the potency.
Impotence is widespread
Although men generally do not like talking about sexual dysfunctions, the problem of impotence in recent years has become more widespread than one would expect, according to health experts. Erectile dysfunction in men is not uncommon. The most common causes are stress and mental suffering. In medical circles impotence is called "erectile dysfunction". To make sure that it does not get that far, it could help if men consume certain foods and exercise regularly. That's what scientists from the UK found out now.

Sport can work wonders for impotence. Image: Syda Productions - fotolia

Certain diet and sports for erectile dysfunction
As the researchers around Aedin Cassidy of the University of East Anglia in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition report, they have found that consuming flavonoid-rich foods is not only good for your health, it's also good for you also for the love life. The team of scientists had observed around 50,000 US men over several years for the study. About a third of them developed a serious erectile dysfunction. When the researchers compared the subjects' diet to find out what made the difference, they found that men who consumed foods rich in certain flavonoids several times a week suffered 10 percent less erectile dysfunction , For those who also regularly exercised, the risk was even 21 percent lower.

Healthy phytochemicals
The scientists concluded that flavonoids, which are contained in citrus fruits and red berries, for example, can help against erectile dysfunction. It has been known for a long time that these healthy phytochemicals protect the body. Previous research has shown that flavonoids, which are also found in dark chocolate, can help reduce heart attack and stroke risk. In addition, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, protect the body from harmful radicals and help strengthen the immune system. Apparently, the substances that occur mainly in blueberries, red wine, apples and citrus fruits, also help to preserve the "virility". Effective are also home remedies for impotence. (Ad)