Increase potency with healthy olive oil - more effective in the long term than Viagra?

Increase potency with healthy olive oil - more effective in the long term than Viagra? / Health News

How does the consumption of olive oil affect sexual performance??

It has been known for some time that the so-called Mediterranean diet has beneficial effects on human health. Researchers have now found out that the Mediterranean diet can even greatly improve a man's sexual performance. A weekly dose of olive oil could even be more effective than Viagra.

Scientists at the University of Athens found in their recent research that olive oil can increase men's sexual performance. The physicians presented the results of their study at the congress of the European Society of Cardiology in Munich.
The consumption of olive oil can significantly improve the sexual performance of men. (Image: freila /

What causes the consumption of olive oil?

The consumption of olive oil leads to a whole host of health benefits, including maintaining the health of the blood vessels and maintaining blood circulation throughout the body, the experts explain. Apparently, olive oil can even improve men's sexual performance.

Study included 660 subjects

For their study, the scientists studied 660 men with a mean age of 67 years. The results of the study showed that people who ate a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes, fish and nuts as well as olive oil experienced a tremendous improvement in their sexual performance. Olive oil can also help to increase testosterone levels significantly, which reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction, explain the doctors.

Many men are affected in the age of erectile problems

According to the NHS, every fifth British man over 40 is affected by erectile problems, which is equivalent to 4.3 million men across the UK, the researchers explain. Fatigue, anxiety and overconsumption of alcohol are just some of the contributing factors.

Men should move more and pay attention to a healthy diet

Diet and exercise are the key to improving the sexual performance of middle-aged and older men, says study author Dr. Christina Chrysohoou from the University of Athens. If men stick to a Mediterranean diet and consume a lot of olive oil, this reduces the risk of impotency in old age by up to 40 percent. The alternative Viagra is currently available over the counter in the United Kingdom, however, the drug may cause side effects such as headaches, back pain and blurred vision.

Viagra itself does not improve in the long run

The Mediterranean diet keeps the blood vessels healthy and reduces the risk of diabetes, hypertension and obesity, for example. The conversion of nutrition is a long-term solution to improve sexual performance without the use of drugs such as Viagra, the experts emphasize. Viagra itself leads in the long term to no improvement. The drug has only a short-term effect on sexual performance. (As)