Cookies and Christmas goose so quickly dismantle excess calories

Cookies and Christmas goose so quickly dismantle excess calories / Health News
Christmas Treatments: How to Get Rid of Excess Calories Fast
Gingerbread, Stollen, Mulled Wine, Eggnog: When going through the Christmas market, it is really not easy to resist the delicious delights. Unfortunately, the delicacies also contain a lot of calories. In order to avoid the pre-Christmas time being reflected in unwanted fat deposits, you should take countermeasures in good time.

High calorie meals at Christmas time
Low calorie winter dishes are pretty rare. Christmas stollen, mulled wine, Christmas goose and baked apples: Heavy food has more tradition in the cold season. Some people may think that the body can tolerate more calories in the cold and freezing anyway. But the calorie-rich dishes at Christmas time often provide high cholesterol and blood fat levels as well as extra pounds.

Walking through the Christmas market, it's hard to say no to gingerbread, mulled wine and co. The treats are unfortunately full of calories. It is best to prevent unwanted fat deposits in good time. (Image: Alexander Raths /

The delicious scent seduces to dine
Although it is a good intention to hold back on the treats, but he is usually pushed aside when visiting the Christmas market. The scent of the specialties simply seduces you to feast. And then they are quickly there: the unwanted curves on the hips.

Repentance then helps a little. Christina Esser, nutrition and fitness expert of the German University for prevention and health management (DHfPG) explains in a message from the news agency dpa, what can help to get rid of excess calories.

Eat more water
You should just eat more water for that. That sounds funny, but it's true. "When we select foods that have a very high water content, we saturate ourselves with a very low caloric density," explains Esser.

"Vegetables, fruits, natural yoghurt and Co. even provide us with many vitamins and nutrients at the same time," says the expert.

Plant substances help with weight loss
Consuming five servings of vegetables and fruits daily can result in a negative energy balance.

In addition, in certain fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, blueberries, strawberries and radishes certain plant substances are included, which can help with weight loss, as British scientists have found.

Whole grains also help fight weight gain. "These act like a sponge in the stomach, meaning they absorb water, giving the food heaviness and volume," Esser explains. "It'll fill you up sooner and we'll consume less calories."

Body does not stop at the muscles
However, the fitness expert also warns about caution. The fat is supposed to melt, but the body does not stop at the muscles when it needs energy.

"To protect our muscles, we need protein. Proteins cause a particularly pronounced saturation. And that is what we want: to be full and at the same time lose weight, "said Esser according to dpa.

Other experts emphasize again and again that protein-containing foods can help with healthy weight loss. However, it is also important at what speed we lose weight. If the daily amount of calories is too limited, health problems threaten.

Sport plays an important role in weight loss
For the muscles, protein alone is not enough. "Strength training helps to keep our muscles from breaking down. And not only that: The afterburning effect during strength training plays very well in the cards, "explains the DHfPG expert.

However, one thing to keep in mind here: "Whether exercising in the gym or training with your own body weight - it is important to regularly increase the training intensity, otherwise the success will be missed. And it gets even better, because the mix makes it. A combination of strength and endurance training optimizes the result, "says Esser.

The sport is an important contribution to weight loss, as shown by studies reported by the DHfPG on its website.

It states: "If, however, it is a matter of health-promoting weight reduction through a positive influence on the body composition, which should also be stabilized in the long term, then physical activity or sport plays an important role alongside a calorie-reduced diet." (Ad)