Cookie baking Preheat oven does not make sense

Cookie baking Preheat oven does not make sense / Health News

Preheating the oven is often superfluous


During Christmas, the oven is often in continuous use. Baking cookies and preparing roast goose eat a lot of electricity and money. In order to save electricity when baking and cooking, advises the consumer center Thuringia to dispense with the preheating. Because that is often superfluous.

Do not preheat the oven to save energy
„Not only toy stores and mail-order companies are booming in Advent, but electricity and gas meters are also putting in a few extra layers, "reports Ramona Ballod from the consumer center in Thuringia Not necessary: ​​To warm up the leftovers from the previous day, the microwave should be used instead of the oven, which also saves energy and takes less time.

Another energy saving tip of the consumer center Thuringia concerns the storage of food in the refrigerator. So the Christmas roast should cool down before it is put in the fridge. Warm food warms up the interior of the appliance, so it needs to be cooled more.

Even the Christmas lights eats a lot of electricity. „Especially for Christmas lights, which burns through the whole Advent season, LED fairy lights are worthwhile. Not only do they save up to 90 percent of electricity compared to conventional incandescent lamps, they also have a particularly long lifetime of up to 25,000 hours“, report the consumer advocates. (Ag)

Picture: Jörg Brinckheger