Bankruptcy of health insurance funds averted

Bankruptcy of health insurance funds averted / Health News

A possible insolvency of the financially ailing health insurance companies City BKK and GBK could be averted. The BKK Association has promised both funds a financial aid.

(19.11.2010) The threatening closure of the two ailing health insurances City BKK and GBK could be averted by a crisis meeting of the BKK-Verband. At today's top meeting of the company health insurance funds, a financial and organizational assistance was promised to pay off the debts. In addition, the BKK health insurance companies want to support a merger with other funds. By merging, the GBK could provide more economic security. Because a health insurance has grown, it can also better respond to potential bottlenecks.

Rescue of the two health insurance companies decided
For now, the City BKK and the joint health insurance company Cologne GBK can look forward to their rescue. A possible insolvency could be averted with the help of the other company health insurance funds first. At a crisis meeting of the board chairmen of the individual BKK health insurance companies, the whole day was debated about what measures are needed to avert a possible bankruptcy of the two funds. According to the GBK, the health insurance fund was in dire straits because two patients had caused by a rare blood disease unaccounted for treatment costs. The majority of the approximately 120 company health insurance chiefs voted to help the City BKK financially and to support the GBK in a merger with another health fund. This was announced on Friday evening a spokeswoman for the BKK-Bundesverband after the meeting in Berlin.

Threatening closure averted for the time being
The two strongly stricken health insurance companies threatened according to media reports even the immediate closure by the Federal Insurance Office (BVA). Already at the beginning of this year, both funds would have reported a threat of bankruptcy. If a health insurance company does not report possible over-indebtedness, it could be threatened with insolvency proceedings. The funds are required by law to make warnings in financial difficulties.

Both funds charge additional contributions
In contrast to the City BKK was the GBK with the first health insurance, which required an additional contribution from its members. In addition to the BKK health professions, the health insurance company levied an additional contribution of one percent of the monthly salary required for contributions. The maximum amount is limited to 37.50 euros per month. In this situation, it is difficult for the insured to make additional contributions. Due to two rare blood diseases, the cash register was also in serious financial need. Certainly, the health insurance company will also have lost members due to the additional contribution. This trend could be observed especially at other funds, which also charged an additional contribution.

In contrast to the GBK, the City BKK is supported by financial means to reach a debt relief. However, as the BKK spokeswoman emphasized, this aid will be linked to hard sanitation requirements. The association wanted to strictly control every operation. By the end of 2012, the debt relief measures should be completed. It was not until Wednesday that the chairman of the treasury was removed from office. Until a new boss is found, an interim board will be appointed. To the exact procedures wanted the health insurance company so far no position.

Since April 2010, the City BKK also raises additional contributions from its insured. The additional contribution is a flat rate of eight euros per month and contributor. It has been known for some time that many of the approximately 200,000 members are elderly and chronically ill. As a result, spending on treatment costs has increased immensely.

Before all statutory health insurance companies are financially responsible for each other, the health insurance funds are initially asked to provide financial support. In this case, the association of company health insurance funds is responsible. Only when this help does not work does the other health insurances have to step in the GKV network. (Sb)

Read on:
Health insurance City BKK & GBK threatened by bankruptcy
City-BKK saved from insolvency?
Is the health insurance City-BKK broke?
Two health insurance companies are broke

Picture: Gerd Altmann