Pill changes the mate choice and relationship

Pill changes the mate choice and relationship / Health News

Mate choice and relationship quality are significantly influenced by the pill


The hormonal pill has a significant influence on the female partner choice. This is the conclusion reached by British researchers from the University of Stirling in a comprehensive study on mate choice and the relationships of women taking contraception pills.

Already in the run-up to the current study, numerous researchers were convinced that taking the pill has a significant influence on the choice of partner and the quality of the relationship. Thus, women who take the pill tend to be men who they can well imagine as fathers, through the simulated gestational state triggered by hormones taken and used for contraception. However, these are usually not the most dominant and sexually active men, but rather the classical father figures, report the researchers of the University of Stirling.

As part of their study, the researchers not only analyzed the mate choice, but also the quality of the relationship, including sexual activity, of approximately 2,519 women with at least one child. The researchers surveyed the 1,005 participants who took the pill and the 1,514 who got off without such contraception to find out what impact the contraceptive actually has on the partnership. The amazing result: Although the pill women were sexually less active in their relationship, they felt more secure and, on average, had significantly longer relationships. The partnerships with the fathers of their children lasted on average 24 months longer than in the study participants who did not use hormonal contraception (84 months versus 60 months).

Although it has long been suspected in the art that taking the pill has a significant impact on mate choice and the quality of the relationship, the British researchers' approach to reviewing this with interviews on the quality of the partnership is new. By contrast, the fact that women who use the contraceptive pill have longer relationships but worse sex is in line with the basic expectations. Because of the intake of hormones, those affected suggest their body an existing pregnancy in order to prevent ovulation. Simplified, therefore, the interest in sex decreases and the need for a reliable partner and good father grows. The classical father figures are therefore rather chosen as partners, as the sexually active, dominant men. Because the latter are usually not reliable, trustworthy potential daddies, the British scientists report. Thus, taking the pill in the long term is accompanied by a significantly changed behavior in the choice of a partner as well as a different quality of relationship.

Current research is in line with the reports of many women who complain about a decline in libido after taking the pill and who have little need for sexual activity during their relationship. However, it was not known that the affected women also sexually choose according to less active men in the mate choice. (Fp)

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