Pills for psyche Antidepressant prescriptions doubled since 2007

Pills for psyche Antidepressant prescriptions doubled since 2007 / Health News
Germans are taking more and more antidepressants: regulations have doubled since 2007
A recent study has found that the stress in the work has become so unhealthy for many employees that the usual compensation strategies were no longer sufficient to come down. That, too, according to experts contributes to the fact that more and more antidepressants are swallowed. The prescribed amount of such drugs has more than doubled in the last decade.

Stress-related sick leave increases
Stress and workload have increased for many people. But if you are always energized, the energy will go out in the long run. According to a stress study by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), 43 percent of employees in Germany feel that they are working and consuming. One in four said that the stress was already so unhealthy that the usual compensation strategies were no longer sufficient to come down. According to TK, this also contributes to the increase in stress-related sick leave and the increase in the volume of antidepressants in the drug prescriptions.

The prescriptions of antidepressants have more than doubled in the past decade. The number of stress-related illnesses has also increased. (Image: PhotoSG / fotolia.com)

Globally, more and more antidepressants are being swallowed
In the past, research has shown that more and more patients worldwide are taking antidepressants. The use of antidepressants in children has also risen sharply in some countries.

Another problem is that such drugs are often given without depression.

For example, a study by researchers from Canada has shown that antidepressants have been used in anxiety disorders, insomnia and panic disorders, and in rare cases even in migraine, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and digestive system disorders.

Women are prescribed less medication
As the TK reported in a communication, every employee in Germany was statistically prescribed last year for an average of two weeks antidepressants. The prescribed amount has therefore more than doubled since 2007, according to the health insurance.

"Women are given less medication overall, but more anti-depressants prescribed than men," said Albrecht Wehner, responsible for the health reporting of TK.

"In men, however, the volume is rising faster: in 2016, they received on average 10.5 days medication for depression, which is 114 percent more than in 2007. For women, the prescribed dose in the same period 'only' increased by 93 percent of 8, 7 to 16.8 daily units, "says the expert.

Prevent stress-related illnesses
To prevent stress-related illnesses, employers and employees must ensure that the energy levels of employees remain in the green, writes the TK.

Compensation strategies, mindfulness, resilience and burnout prophylaxis are therefore important topics for occupational health management (WHM)..

Only working on the stress resistance of the employees, so they can cope better with unhealthy work processes, but not enough, so Wehner: "The better strategy is of course to start with the causes and make work better and to provide in the spare time for compensation."

Especially in the holiday season you should take the opportunity to clear your head and turn off, recommends the health expert of the TK.

Time-outs are a good way to question your own lifestyle, to try new things, such as a new sport or relaxation training.

According to experts, it is fundamentally important for the balance of job and leisure time to specifically schedule times of leisure and to integrate recreation into everyday life.

Leisure activities should provide pleasure and enjoyment and represent a kind of counterbalance to the strain of work. (Ad)