Pill against heart attack in the morning

Pill against heart attack in the morning / Health News

Research: „pill“ against heart attack in the morning


Especially in the morning heart attacks and strokes occur frequently. Pharmacists pointed out at a congress in Vienna that new forms of application of medicines to a „pill“ lead to the prevention of these life-threatening incidents.

Highest death rates in the first three hours after awakening
Especially in the morning, heart attacks and strokes often occur. As experts at the DIA Europe annual congress of the pharmaceutical industry in Vienna said, new applications of drugs with particularly good timing of drug release could become a „pill“ lead to the prevention of such acute life-threatening incidents. It would be possible to design drugs in tablet, capsule or pill form so that the substances contained are released just when they can or should achieve the greatest effect. Howard Stevens, professor emeritus of the University of Glasgow (Scotland), explained: „We see the highest death rates from heart attacks and strokes in the first three hours after awakening.“

Effect four hours after ingestion
This is attributed to the high blood pressure in the morning - after one „down“ from midnight - and on the also sharply rising heart rate. However, most of the blood pressure and heart rate lowering drugs reach high levels of effect soon after taking them. Probably nobody gets up at night to make by taking his antihypertensive so that the effect is strongest between seven and eleven o'clock in the morning. With his team of experts, Stevens has developed tablets that release the drug at exactly four hours after ingestion. This is independent of the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, the intake of food and the intensity of intestinal peristalsis. For example, it could be used to take medicines that lower blood pressure and heart rate just before bedtime. The effect would occur only in the morning hours. Heart disease and strokes have been the leading causes of death worldwide for years, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The number of deaths is in the double-digit million range every year. About 80 percent of them could be avoided by a healthy lifestyle, according to the World Heart Federation.

Vaccines from dry powder inhalers
Even with vaccines, which are no longer administered by injection, but in the form of dry powder inhalers, open up completely new perspectives. For example, with the application system „The Twincer“ developed a disposable inhaler, in which a vaccine in the form of a vaccine in dry form is inserted as a capsule and then inhaled. According to Henderik Frijlink of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy of the University of Groningen, this has the advantage that it comes to the stronger triggering of an immune response exactly where the influenza viruses dock, namely in the bronchi. In addition, this application form also seems to have a broader and against more virus variants protective effect.

Suitable for third and fourth world countries
Another important reason for such vaccine forms is that they would be particularly suitable for third and fourth world countries without the need for refrigerated storage. In fact, such storage conditions are often not guaranteed and since they work without injection, they would also be suitable for use without medically trained personnel. Kenny Simmen, a drug developer at a US company, commented in principle on the value of patient-friendly forms of medication: „We can invent such 'beautiful' drug molecules, if they do not take the patients, we will be shipwrecked in clinical trials and everyday life.“ (Ad)

Picture: Gerd Altmann