Pill for the man breakthrough succeeded

Pill for the man breakthrough succeeded / Health News


In previous attempts to develop an anti-Babypille for men, it was found that this is possible only with strong intervention in the hormone balance of men. This also affected the men's libido and the desire for sexuality dropped rapidly. The effect of this combined preparation based on testosterone and progestin was confirmed in a large study by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2011. At that time, depression was reported in ten percent of men as a result of taking it. Now Australian researchers could have taken a decisive step in the development of a largely symptom-free variant.

Monarch University scientists in Melbourne have eliminated two key proteins responsible for transporting semen. This was published on Tuesday in a journal article from the US Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. In order to prevent transport, the proteins that ensure sperm transport during ejaculation have been modified to become almost one „complete male infertility has come, explained the researcher Sabatino Ventura. This non-hormonal method does not damage sperm's long-term viability, nor does it affect the sexual sensation or overall health of male mice within the trial. "The sperm is there, but the muscle does not get the chemical message to transport," Ventura says. Ventura, who also collaborated with scientists from the University of Leicester for the study, would like to chemically replicate this genetic process as a next step in order to be able to release it in men with the help of a tablet.

"The next step is now the development of an oral drug that is efficient, safe and easily reversible". „With the new results, there are now better opportunities to develop a contraceptive that works effectively and, moreover, is not produced on a hormonal basis, according to the authors of the study.

In previous developmental trials of a contraceptive pill for men, there was production of generally infertile sperm. Hormonal agents can also affect sexual activity. Ventura is convinced that his method will not affect the man. "If you're a young man and you're about to reach the age where you want to have children, you stop taking the pill and everything should be fine," the researcher told television ABC. (Fr)

Picture: Martin Berk