Pill significantly increases the risk of brain tumors

Pill significantly increases the risk of brain tumors / Health News

Pill may increase the risk of brain tumors


The anti-baby pill has been associated with health hazards many times before. Investigations have shown that this increases the risk of thrombosis, myocardial infarction and stroke, among other things. A new study now suggests that this form of contraception could also increase the risk of developing a brain tumor.

Health Hazards Due to Anti-Baby Pill
Contraception with the birth control pill has been associated with health risks many times. In recent years, there have been various studies that have concluded that the pill may increase the risk of developing thrombosis, heart attack, stroke, or various cancers such as breast cancer or cervical cancer. A new study now suggests that hormonal contraceptives could also increase the risk of developing a brain tumor.

Women should not worry too much
However, the authors of the study write that women should not worry too much, she says „world“. The danger which the researchers have encountered should be asked „in context“ to be viewed as. And this danger is as follows: Women who use hormonal drugs for too long may increase the risk of developing a brain tumor. As the „world“ writes, means preventing hormonal usually: take the pill. However, three-month syringes, contraceptive sticks or the hormone spiral are also among the methods.

Study from Denmark
For the study, in the journal „British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology“ The scientists around David Gaist, neurologist at the University Hospital in Odense (Denmark), have evaluated health data. The researchers first identified all women aged 15 to 49 who had glioma in Denmark from 2000 to 2009. These are tumors of the central nervous system that grow mostly in the brain. In total, they found 317 cases.

Higher risk with prolonged hormonal contraception
The researchers then searched for every woman in the household for eight women of the same age, with a similar degree, without a brain tumor. Then they looked at the data to see if and how long the women had been prescribed hormonal contraceptives. It was found that of the women who were diagnosed with glioma, 59 percent had prevented hormonal. But of the women who did not have the brain tumor, only half (50 percent) had used it accordingly. The women's risk was therefore the higher, the longer they had prevented hormonally.

Taking hormones can increase cancer risk
The researchers could not see from the data, however, why that was so. The „world“ however, they point to factors that they could not test, such as whether the ill women may have had their first menstrual period earlier, they were heavier than others, or they only went to the doctor more often and therefore their gliomas were detected earlier. It is known that the intake of hormones affects the risk of developing certain cancers. The connection must, however, be further investigated. The „context“ The researchers said he should not be forgotten is: gliomas are very rare. „Out of a hundred thousand women of reproductive age, only five are affected each year“, so David Gaist. But women who want to take the pill should know and weigh all the risks and benefits.

Newer drugs with greater risks
A report from the previous year had referred to just those risks. At that time it was reported that it seems remarkable to irritating that third and fourth generation contraceptives are associated with more serious side effects than the older remedies. In general, the reduction of existing side effects in supposed drug improvements should always be a major factor. The significant risk of the anti-baby pills, the risk of thrombosis with consequences such as pulmonary embolism or stroke, has apparently increased significantly with the introduction of new drugs, rather than falling. (Ad)

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