Health News - Page 860

Naturopathy Leaky Gut Syndrome

Andrea Thiem, orthomolecular medicine doctor: The Leaky-Gut syndromeMany people are afflicted with indigestion, flatulence, feelings of fullness, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal...

Naturopathy herbs for health

Fresh herbs not only taste good, they also protect your health 04/30/2012 They really do not demand a green thumb...

Naturopathy cancer therapy deductible

Naturopathy: An alternative cancer therapy can be applied to the tax office even if the treatment is performed by a...

Naturopathy Coriander oil helps with athlete's foot

Study shows: coriander oil helps with athlete's foot02/12/2014 Researchers from Freiburg examined the antifungal effect of coriander in athlete's foot....

Naturopathy Coriander has an antibiotic and antispasmodic effect

Coriander is not only good as a kitchen spice Coriander is known for its distinctive smell and taste and is...

Naturopathy treat headaches sustainably

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Sustainably treat headaches in children 11.08.2011 Headaches in children can be treated sustainably with Traditional Chinese...

Naturopathy Garlic helps with colds

Miracle Garlic not only helps with colds14/10/2013 Anyone who takes a closer look at garlic will find a variety of...

Naturopathy can protect With rosehip strengthen the immune system

Healthy rosehip strengthens the body's defensesThe autumnally wet cold weather ensures that colds increase. To prevent illnesses, it is best...

Naturopathy can help with motion sickness

What helps with motion sickness? Naturopathy can effectively alleviate and prevent travel sicknesses. (25.05.2010) Many people feel sick when traveling...