Health News - Page 749

Partnership Vegetarians stay with each other

In finding a partner vegetarians and vegans prefer to stay among themselves 17/10/2013 Who suits each other well? The partner...

Partnership and love How relevant is the sharing of a shared bed?

Experts explain the advantages and disadvantages of separate bedrooms How important is it for the love happiness that the couple...

Do not criticize partners in front of other people

Psychology: Do not publicly criticize partners 05/17/2012 Loyalty to the partner is very important to many people. The intimate relationship...

Particles of air pollution first detected in the placenta of women

What effect does air pollution have on unborn babies?? Increasing pollution is having an increasing impact on people's health. Researchers...

Carcinogenic particles from laser printers?

Particles from laser printers and copiers cause cancer? Scientists at the Institute for Environmental Sciences and Hospital Hygiene at the...

Periodontal treatment dangerous for the heart

Periodontal treatment can be dangerous for the heart 14/09/2012 For patients with heart problems, dental procedures can be a risk....

Periodontitis related between malocclusions and gum disease?

Is there a connection between malocclusions and gum disease?? A new study has been able to investigate in more detail...

Periodontitis brushing in the evening much more important than the next morning

Twice a day: brushing your teeth in the evening is especially importantRegular dental hygiene is the most effective protection against...

Avoid periodontal disease, but how?

Avoid periodontal disease, but how? Dentist: Thorough dental hygiene helps to prevent periodontal disease 11.03.2011 Periodontitis (not to be confused...