Health News - Page 402

Study Green Vegetable Juice Cures Chronic Gingivitis

Leafy vegetables strengthen the teethNitrate-rich leafy vegetables have so far been problematic. But the outlawed ingredient also has health-promoting properties....

Study flu infection often goes unnoticed

Influenza is without symptoms in three quarters of cases 03/18/2014The so-called „real“ For most people, flu is characterized by a...

Study Larger wine glasses automatically lead to more consumption

Larger wine glasses cause us to drink moreDoes it matter if we drink our wine from a large or smaller...

Study Common asthma drug protects against Parkinson's

Salbutamol can protect people from Parkinson's disease?When people with asthma have trouble breathing, they often use an inhaler with a...

Study glucosamine prolongs life

Scientists discover life-prolonging effect of the dietary supplement glucosamine 04/11/2014 The over-the-counter dietary supplement glucosamine has a life-prolonging effect on...

Study of mulled wine goes faster in the blood

Drink mulled wine at the Christmas market only moderately05/12/2014 Mulled wine goes faster because of its temperature than blood is...

Study Ginkgo helps with Alzheimer's dementia

The effectiveness of the Ginkgo special extracts EGb 761 has already been scientifically proven in dozens of studies. The data...

Study Is there a wine allergy?

Wine allergy: allergic reactions even with wine. (26.08.2010) Is there a wine allergy? Apparently, wine can cause allergic reactions in...

Is There a Veggie Personality?

Is there a veggie personality? Female, liberal, political"Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are." Already...