Study Ginkgo helps with Alzheimer's dementia

The data were based on 2,625 patients from seven randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind studies. Patients with either Alzheimer's disease, additional cerebrovascular disease, or vascular dementia, took the Ginkgo special extract EGb 761 or placebo over a period of 22 to 52 weeks. Cognition, activities of daily life and the overall clinical picture determined by the investigators were compared.
The evaluation of the data showed that the Ginkgo special extract was significantly superior to the dummy treatment in all three examined areas. In patients with existing neuropsychiatric symptoms, the effects were particularly pronounced.
It is believed that the beneficial effects of ginkgo extract are due to a reduction in inflammatory processes in the brain. An experimental study by the group of Chinese researcher Dr. Yang Liu, also presented at the IPA meeting in Beijing. Mice supplemented with ginkgo special extract showed lower levels of inflammatory markers and had better learning than animals without the feed supplement.
These effects could already be seen after two months, but they were clearly pronounced after five months. A long-term therapy with the Ginkgo special extract could thus also inhibit the inflammatory activities in the brain in Alzheimer's patients and thus slow the progression of the disease, was the conclusion of the Chinese scientists (Source: Neurotransmitters 2015; 26, 1).
Picture: trolltroll