Study of mulled wine goes faster in the blood

Drink mulled wine at the Christmas market only moderately
Mulled wine goes faster because of its temperature than blood is other alcohol. This is what TÜV Rheinland points out. If you take too much of the hot and sweet Christmas market drink, you have to expect a headache the next day. But it is not the alcohol, but the additives in mulled wine responsible.
Per milage of mulled wine is varied
Mulled wine drinking is a solid ritual for many Christmas market visitors. However, one should pay attention to a lot. „Hot drunk alcohol dilates the vessels and stimulates metabolism and circulation. Therefore, the alcohol passes more quickly into the blood and leads faster to an intoxicating effect“, explains health expert Karin Müller from TÜV Rheinland. „However, the temperature of the drink has no influence on the actual per mille content.“ It only counts the amount that was drunk. It also does not matter if something has been eaten before. „Only the subjective effect occurs later and is weaker when the stomach is well filled“, so Müller. The health expert advises to make longer breaks between two mulled wines and to drink water. This prevents too high a concentration of alcohol in the blood.
„The alcohol content of a mulled wine varies from stall to stall, so you can not say exactly how many per milks really 'land' in the blood“, informed the TÜV. „At normal dosage of the amount are responsible for headaches the next day rather the additives of mulled wine.“
Anyone who wants to pay attention to his slim line should anyway as possible on the „fattening foods“ abstain, because a glass of mulled wine contains more than 200 calories. (Ag)
Image: Wolfgang Dirscherl