Study Larger wine glasses automatically lead to more consumption

Does it matter if we drink our wine from a large or smaller glass? Researchers now found that we drink more wine when we use a large glass. By dispensing with large wine glasses would therefore automatically reduce alcohol consumption and prevents the hangover the next morning. If you want to reduce your alcohol consumption, you should simply buy smaller glasses.
If you've ever thought about ways to reduce your drinking habits, there might be a simple trick that might interest you. Scientists from the respected Cambridge University have now discovered in an investigation that we generally drink more when we use larger glasses. This is true even if the volume of alcohol in a small and a large glass are the same. The University of Cambridge's Behavior and Health Research Unit (BHRU) physicians published their latest study results in the online journal "Bio Med Central" (BMC).

Wine sales increase by nearly ten percent due to larger glasses
The experiment in a bar showed that people drink from larger wine glasses more. The staff of a bar poured the same amount of wine in different sized glasses. They found that sales increased by almost ten percent when larger glasses were used, the researchers explain. Apparently, we drink faster when we use a big glass because our brain is deceived and thinks there is more liquid to consume, the scientists say. For that reason, all wine glasses should be under a certain size, the experts add.
Sales remain unchanged when particularly small glasses are used
In the experiment, the wine was served in portions of 125 milliliters (ml) and 175 milliliters. But the glasses used were changed every two weeks. The experts switched between a 300 milliliter standard glass, a larger glass (370 ml) and a small glass (250 ml). Sales increased by 9.4 percent when the large glasses were used. If the small glasses were used, the sales remained unchanged, say the scientists. Increasing the size of the wine glass, without increasing the amount of wine contained, causes people to drink more, explain the doctors.
Changing larger glasses change our perception of the amount of wine?
It is not clear why the glass size has such a significant effect on the amount consumed. One reason could possibly be that larger glasses change our perception of the amount of wine, then we drink faster and order more wine, the researchers speculate. But it is very interesting that the opposite effect was not found when the researchers served in small wine glasses. The study thus suggests that the use of larger wine glasses should be avoided. So people can simply reduce the amount drunk, add the physicians.
Alcohol consumption increases the risk of heart problems, obesity and cancer
Of course, we need more research to confirm this effect, said British scientists. But then, if necessary, measures could be implemented that counteract this effect, the experts say. For example, license requirements for alcohol dispensing may include all wine glasses being under a certain size. Growing evidence indicates that even moderate drinking is an important risk factor for diseases such as obesity, heart problems and cancer, explain the physicians. Health experts are constantly looking for new ways and means to reduce our alcohol consumption. In fact, about 24,000 cancer cases could be prevented each year in the UK alone, if no one would drink alcohol, explain the doctors. (As)