Health News - Page 400

Study homeopathy patients live longer

Homeopathy patients live longer and cost less to the health system 26.08.2011 If patients are treated by doctors with a...

Homeopathy study is cost effective

Study confirms cost-effectiveness of homeopathy 05/07/2012 Research results from Switzerland confirm the cost-effectiveness of homeopathy. Aim of the study titled...

Study homeopathy brings cost savings

Study: Homeopathy can save healthcare costs 31.10.2012 A double-blind study on sepsis patients in the intensive care unit at the...

Study High stroke risk due to long working hours

Long weekly working hours cause an increased risk of strokeOvertime at work is normal for many Germans, and working people...

Study Highly effective natural antibiotic discovered in wasp venom

Contains wasp venom solution for combating antibiotic-resistant germs? Wasps are not the most popular visitor to outdoor activities. Many people...

Study HIV diminished by antibody therapy

For the first time, researchers are successfully testing an immunotherapy against HIV 09/04/2015 Researchers from the US and Germany may...

Study Helps Incense in Early Multiple Sclerosis?

Study showed positive resultsA recent study of 28 volunteers showed that frankincense extracted capsule three times a day over a...

Study Does Music Help People with Alzheimer's?

How does music affect people with Alzheimer's?? Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that negatively affects patients' memory and...

Study Higher heart attack risk to WM

Football World Cup as a cause of a heart attack 05/28/2014 Health risk Football World Cup? According to the German...