Health News - Page 378

Study Why some young women deliberately smoke during pregnancy

Women misinterpret health warnings on packagingSmoking during pregnancy should actually be taboo. Because it is associated with many health risks...

Study Why depression is associated with permanent stress

New stress-causing mechanisms discovered in depression When sufferers suffer from depression, they also increase their brain area, which is responsible...

Study warning of nicotine residues in the apartment

Nicotine residues in the home on surfaces and in the dust are not only unaesthetic but also hazardous to health...

Study warns about health risks from some dietary supplements

American researchers warn against 15 harmful ingredients of nutritional supplementsMany people in Germany take so-called nutritional supplements. Researchers have now...

Study When work stress hurts sleep

Those who have a lot of stress at work often sleep badly. Researchers from Oslo have analyzed which specific stress...

Study hiking is healthier than expected

Positive health efficacy of hiking through a study scientifically proven 04/30/2012 Hiking has long been considered a healthy form of...

Study Walnut Consumption breaks down bad cholesterol

To lower cholesterol, walnuts should be eaten regularly Increased cholesterol levels can help to develop serious illnesses. Researchers have now...

Study walnuts can slow colon cancer growth

Study: Walnut consumption may inhibit the growth of colon cancer tumorsEating a handful of walnuts a day could slow the...

Full moon study does not rob sleep

Myth of the sleepless full moon night disenchanted06/21/2014 At full moon, people suffer from insomnia: Scientists at the Max Planck...