Study walnuts can slow colon cancer growth

Eating a handful of walnuts a day could slow the growth of colon cancer cells. This is reported by American researchers from Harvard Medical School. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids could play an important role.
Slowing down the growth of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts?
Dr. Christos Mantzoros of Harvard Medical School and his team have studied the impact of a walnut-rich diet on colorectal cancer cells in mice. They found that the tumors of the animals, which contained much omega-3 fatty acids, were significantly smaller than those without daily nut rations. Only the mice of the "nut group" received daily 60 grams of walnuts in addition to their diet, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. "Our research shows that the mice of the walnut group showed significant changes in the intestinal cancer tissue," the agency "Cover Media" quotes Mantzoros. The tumors of the mice that regularly ate walnuts contained about ten times as much omega-3 fatty acids as the animals' tumors without any additional nut meal.

Herbal omega-3 fatty acids (? -Linolenic acid, "ALA") have an anti-inflammatory effect. According to the researchers, ALA have a positive effect on micro-ribonucleic acids (miRNA), which in turn are involved in inflammatory processes in the cancer cells, blood vessel formation and growth. ALA could thus cause a reduction in the inflammation of the colon cancer cells and the blood supply to the tumors, which inhibits their growth.
Eating walnuts promotes good health
"Our research shows that a walnut diet in significant changes in the expression profile of miRNAs into localized colorectal cancer tissue, and that a walnut diet protective fatty acids incorporating into the colon tumor, either through their direct effects or by additive or synergistic effects of several other Compounds contained in walnuts, "Dr. Mantzoros to the California Walnut Commission. Whether the research results can also be transferred to humans must be investigated in further studies.
For years, research has focused on the health benefits of walnuts. They should also promote heart health thanks to their amino acid L-arginine. They are also rich in antioxidants to protect against various diseases. (Ag)
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