Study Walnut Consumption breaks down bad cholesterol

To lower cholesterol, walnuts should be eaten regularly
Increased cholesterol levels can help to develop serious illnesses. Researchers have now found that regular consumption of natural walnuts can reduce the value of non-HDL cholesterol by seven percent. This effect is seemingly completely independent of the abandonment of other foods.
The researchers at the University of Munich's clinical research center found that if people regularly consume walnuts, it reduces non-HDL cholesterol in the body. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Nutrients".

Add 43 grams of walnuts every day
Walnuts seem to help combat high cholesterol. The positive effect is not influenced by the absence of other foods. To reduce unhealthy cholesterol, 43 grams of walnut must be consumed daily. This leads to a reduction of bad cholesterol by about five percent. "Regardless of whether you omit fats or carbohydrates instead of walnuts during your diet," explains Professor Dr. med. Klaus Parhofer, Senior Physician in the Medical Clinic and Policlinic IV at the University of Munich Hospital in a press release on the publication of the study. The results of the study indicate that only nut consumption is the determining factor for the positive effect on cholesterol levels, adds the expert.
Physicians examined about 200 subjects for their study
The study examined about 200 healthy female and male volunteers. The participants were on average about 63 years old. All participating subjects at the examination were non-smokers. The participants were first divided into different groups. All subjects in the experimental group consumed 43 grams of walnuts per day within eight weeks. One group of participants was advised to refrain from carbohydrates, the second group avoided the consumption of fats and the third group renounced the combination of fats and carbohydrates. There was also a control group that did not consume nuts over a period of eight weeks, in order to have values available for comparison, the experts explain.
How did fats and carbohydrates affect the observed effect??
According to the scientists, however, the participants only limitedly adhered to their prescribed diet. However, a close look at the results of the study showed that subjects who had consistently taken the recommended diet had no difference in cholesterol improvement. In other words, it does not matter if you reduce the consumption of fats or carbohydrates if you consume about a handful of walnuts every day.
Should the walnuts be consumed as part of a main meal?
The research team headed by Professor Parhofer also investigated whether it makes any difference if the nuts are consumed as part of a main meal (for example, as a salad) or merely as a kind of snack. Also in this part of the study no different effects on the fat metabolism could be determined.
Further research is needed
At the moment, further investigations on this topic are being evaluated. These should lead to a better understanding of whether the regular consumption of walnuts affects the composition of bacteria in the human intestinal flora. If such an effect really should exist, it must also be explored how exactly this positive effect is triggered. (As)