Health News - Page 2147

19 children in the summer camp suffer from vomiting diarrhea

Norovirus suspicion in summer camp: 19 children suffering from vomiting diarrhea 19 children and three caregivers contracted vomiting diarrhea on...

19,000 hospital deaths Has the AOK greatly exaggerated?

Information in the AOK hospital report incorrect? - DKG contradicts the number of 19,000 deaths due to faulty hospital treatment...

18 students at Sportfest collapsed due to heat

Due to the heat, 18 students collapsed at a sports festival in Leverkusen. They complained of circulatory or respiratory problems....

18-year-old dies after Diablo-3 marathon session

After 40 hours of Diablo 3 games at the internet café, a teenager dies from a cardiovascular collapse 07/18/2012 Computer...

17 patients in one night Deadly danger from toadstools

Doctors warn of dangerous tuber fungus / refugees and Ayslsuchende particularly affected: Alone 17 poisonings in one nightThe mushroom season...

17-year-old daughter and mother were suffering from cancer at the same time

Musculoskeletal and breast cancer: 17-year-old woman and her mother become ill almost simultaneouslyIn Australia, a 17-year-old girl and her mother...

Live 17 years longer through healthy lifestyle

Who to alcohol, cigarettes and red meat „no thanks“ says, lives up to 17 years longer 08/14/2014 Alcohol, cigarettes and...

17,000 poultry killed prematurely?

Animal rights activists criticize: were killed 17,000 poultry animals prematurely due to an actually harmless avian flu pathogen?By order of...

165-year-old cholera intestine promotes research

165-year-old cholera intestine promotes research11/01/2014 After 165 years, the gut of a cholera victim is now driving forward the current...