Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
Health News - Page 212
Distorted perception of anorexics
The distorted perception of anorexics 23/08/2012 Anorexics can not perceive their bodies realistically. Although the sufferers often lean on a...
Consumed perception of homeopathy opponents?
„And yet she is moving“ - or the distorted perception of the reality of homeopathy opponents 03.02.2011 Homeopathy as a...
Consuming fructose has many negative health consequences
Which type of sugar is the unhealthiest?Consuming too much sugar is not good for our health. Researchers now found that...
Tenfold the obesity - 124 million children worldwide obese
More and more obese children and adolescents - Experts demand consequences According to a new study, over the past four...
Confusion caused by new drugs in pharmacies
Consumer protection warns of confusion in pharmacies: At the beginning of the year, many millions of patients receive medicines from...
Use of bleaching agents and disinfectants Cause of chronic lung disease?
Regular use of bleach leads to health problemsUsing bleach every day increases the risk of developing a fatal lung disease....
Reference for doctor for headscarf ban
The association of physicians denies a Hessian doctor a reprimand because he imposed on a poster in his practice a...
Administrative court No driving license withdrawal Cannabis against regular pain
Freiburg administrative court: woman does not have to hand over driver's licenseA woman who uses cannabis monthly to combat her...
Berlin Administrative Court gives applicants access to the police service
Berlin Administrative Court gives applicants access to the police service Berlin (jur). The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually occurring...
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