Consumed perception of homeopathy opponents?

Consumed perception of homeopathy opponents? / Health News

„And yet she is moving“ - or the distorted perception of the reality of homeopathy opponents


Homeopathy as a safe and globally recognized medicine sees itself repeatedly attacks by self-proclaimed „skeptics“ exposed who want to prove their ineffectiveness by taking large amount of homeopathic remedies. „It inevitably raises the question of whether homeopathy should make you ill, because otherwise the self-experiment makes no sense from the logical understanding“, asks Ralf Dissemond from the Association of Classical Homeopaths in Germany (VKHD). That such a spectacular attempt then „succeed“, is obvious because it lacks any basis and general understanding of this healing method.

This effect-taking approach demonstrates only a worldview that has been outdated for several centuries, as it focuses only on visible and measurable conditions, so quantities. Already in antiquity, the spirit was considered the center of man and only the results of his work are visible in material form. That the smallest particles have the greatest power, is also shown by the fact that for their research, the largest equipment is necessary, just think of the particle accelerator below Lake Geneva and other.

Homeopathy uses medicines from various sources in the treatment of sick people. These are diluted according to a specified procedure as far as and „succussed“, until there is nothing left of the original substance - except vibration or information. The fact that vibrations have an effect on the environment is shown, for example, by the experiments Dr. Ing. Masaru Emoto (Masaru Emoto, „The message of the water“): Water that has been sonicated with music forms special ice crystal shapes when frozen.

Homeopathy employs its medicines, which contain every type of specific information, with such precision that, like a key-lock principle, it works only with the person with a corresponding reaction pattern underlying the illness. For this reason, homeopathy is a very safe method and, moreover, without unwanted chemical side effects.

So you can tell skeptics fairer way only the indication that for cost reasons, the intake of 10 beads would be enough to prove the evidence of any harmful side effects. Completely unaffected by this is also the question of why a healthy person should take a remedy. Homeopathy makes you healthy, not ill! (Association of classical homeopaths of Germany e.V)

About the association of classical homeopaths of Germany e.V .:
The VKHD is the professional association for classical homeopathic therapists and non-medical practitioners in Germany. The association was founded in 1997 and currently has 1,250 active members. The aim of the association is to preserve, represent and promote the profession-specific interests of homeopathic homeopaths, and to exercise the classic.

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