Health News - Page 1984

Pancreatitis often in blood group B

Carriers of blood type B have a 2.5-fold increased risk of pancreatitis 09/17/2014 Every year more than 72,000 patients in...

Abdominal pain and diarrhea Should not we drink water with cherries?

Everyday myth under the magnifying glassIf you eat cherries and drink water, you do not have to be surprised about...

Abdominal pain and nausea due to diverticulum

Diverculitis can cause severe discomfort in the left lower abdomen01/22/2015 If there is severe pain in the right lower abdomen...

Belly pain after eating bread Supposed celiac disease can also have other causes

Food intolerance: Suspected celiac disease may have other causesIn western industrialized countries, up to one percent of the population suffers...

Abdominal pain during stress What can you do?

Which helps against stomachache in case of stress06/12/2014 Many people are familiar with the problem that a constant stress can...

Abdominal Discomfort After Great Gluttony The best home remedies for heartburn

Acid regurgitation: Which remedies help quickly against heartburnEvery second German suffers occasionally from heartburn. This is often due to a...

Abdominal cramping as an indication of later migraine?

Abdominal cramping in infants Evidence of later migraine? 04/18/2013 Infants suffering from severe abdominal pain - the so-called „Infant colic“...

Gut feeling treatment for eating disorders

BKK: To sensitize vocational students for eating disorders09/08/2014 In recent years, the number of inpatient treatments for eating disorders in...

Belly Fat What foods to avoid

What foods should be avoided for a flat stomach03/18/2015 The spring-like temperatures make for anticipation of the summer. Then many...