Health News - Page 1778

Diabetic foods offer no benefits

Diabetic food before going out Special diabetes foods offer no benefits and can even damage your health. (06.09.2010) Most diabetic...

Diabetic foods soon banned

Diet regulation adapted: Diabetic foods soon banned. (09.09.2010) About ten percent of Germans suffer from diabetes and have to adhere...

Diabetics help with reprogrammed skin cells

Stem cell research: New therapy could make insulin injections unnecessary in the future02/10/2014 US researchers have been able to reprogram...

Diabetics have a high risk of periodontitis

15.11.2012 Diabetics should go to the dentist at least twice a year. Because who suffers from diabetes, is subject to...

Diabetics are at an increased risk of dying from flu

Should diabetics undergo a flu vaccine for safety's sake? When people get the flu, they usually feel limp for several...

Diabetics In case of an emergency, inform narrow colleagues about illness

People with diabetes should inform close colleagues about diseasePeople who suffer from diabetes should at least tell their close colleagues....

Diabetics are more likely to suffer from depression

Significantly increased risk of depression in diabetic patients For people with diabetes, the risk of developing depression is particularly high....

Diabetic bypass apparently better than stent

Coronary heart disease is often the result of diabetes 01/02/2013 Over the years, most diabetics experience consequential damage from the...

Diabetics have a higher risk of dementia

Dangerous combination Dangerous combination: Increased risk for diabetics of dementia and depression 06/19/2013 Diabetics are much more likely to suffer...