Diabetics have a high risk of periodontitis

Diabetics have a high risk of periodontitis / Health News


Diabetics should go to the dentist at least twice a year. Because who suffers from diabetes, is subject to a significantly increased periodontitis risk, as the German Medical Association announced in Berlin. If diabetics suffer from periodontal disease, this can have negative consequences for insulin resistance, say the doctors.

Periodontitis can negatively influence the course of the metabolic disease and „lead to an increase in blood sugar levels“, as scientific investigations determined.“With increasing probing depth or inflamed periodontal tissue, HbA1c levels also increase in diabetic patients“. Oral inflammation increases insulin resistance in the body, worsening blood glucose levels.

Therefore, diabetics should pay particular attention to care of the teeth and gums. In addition, regular check-ups at the dentist are essential. Also, diabetes patients are at a higher risk of developing periodontitis than non-diabetics. The disease leads in the worst case to complete loss of teeth if not treated in the worst case, as the Federal Dental Association emphasized in a message. (Sb)

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Image: Heike / Pixelio