Diabetics are at an increased risk of dying from flu

Diabetics are at an increased risk of dying from flu / Health News

Should diabetics undergo a flu vaccine for safety's sake?

When people get the flu, they usually feel limp for several days and suffer from various negative effects, such as headaches and nausea. Researchers have now found that in diabetics, the likelihood of dangerous complications, which may even lead to the death of the person affected, is increased.

A flu can have dangerous consequences for diabetics. Affected people are three times more likely to die as a result of flu, compared to healthy people. Researchers at Imperial College London found in a study that flu vaccine can reduce the likelihood of diabetic death and prevent inpatient treatment. The results of the study were published in the journal "Canadian Medical Association Journal".

Diabetics have a very high risk of developing or even killing several serious illnesses as a result of the flu. (Image: Elnur - fotolia)

Epidemic of influenza in Australia

Australia is currently facing a very strong epidemic of influenza. Between June and September 2017, the number of influenza infections was much higher than the average for the past 15 years. In addition, the course and rate of complications were much more dramatic. This even went so far that some patients died from the infection.

Deaths in Australia triggered by the flu

In fact, a flu can have such severe consequences for those affected that they die from it. For example, just a short eight-year-old girl died in Melbourne. This death was due to influenza disease. In addition, a 50-year-old man died after being hospitalized four days after the first flu symptoms. He died there of infection with the A (H3N2) viruses.

Australia: Two and a half times more influenza cases than last year

At present, 167,000 cases of influenza in Australia have been confirmed by investigators in various laboratories in Australia. Compared to the previous year, these are two and a half times as many diseases, experts say. The epidemic course in the southern hemisphere is a prognostic factor for physicians. These now assume that at the beginning of the year 2018, a very strong flu epidemic in Europe must be expected.

Diabetics are particularly at risk

Infectious diseases such as the flu lead to increased physical stress, especially in diabetics. This stress in turn increases the likelihood of dangerous complications. Some experts of the Institute for Diabetes Research of the Helmholtz Zentrum München have already found an important link between infection and diabetes. So-called infectious diseases can cause complications in diabetics and diabetes makes affected people more susceptible to infections.

Immune system of diabetics does not work so efficiently

Severe infectious diseases can even lead to the need for insulin therapy in people with type 2 diabetes. When high blood sugar levels are present in the body, the excess glucose binds to important components of the immune system. Through this process, the immune system of diabetics then works much less efficiently. If there is an infectious disease, this leads to the circulation of the affected people is not optimal.

Diabetics have a threefold increased risk of dying from flu

If the blood circulation is disturbed, it suffers most from the smallest vessels of those affected. With deficient circulation, too few nutrients and less oxygen are permanently made available. The researchers found in their study that diabetics have a greatly increased risk of dying from flu. This risk is about three times higher in people with diabetes compared to healthy people.

An infection reduces the effectiveness of insulin?

The experts suspect as a possible explanation that in an acute infection insulin effectiveness is reduced. As a result, the blood glucose levels can be permanently in a very high range. When the blood sugar level is elevated, the human body excretes glucose via its kidneys. Through this process, the body breaks down a lot of water. This in turn causes existing fever or increased body temperature to increase even further. For affected people, it is therefore very important that they always take enough liquid.

Diabetics have difficulty controlling their blood sugar during flu

Type 2 diabetics should definitely think about a flu vaccine. An influenza illness causes too much stress for the human body. This stress can particularly affect insulin-injecting diabetics. Such diabetics have difficulty controlling their blood sugar during flu. The disease means that the affected diabetics need significantly more insulin.

Vaccination could reduce risk of diabetics

If the people affected by their illness do not regularly take enough food, this can lead to a so-called hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar). The fluctuations in blood sugar levels can then cause serious complications. The study found that the prevailing risk of death or the likelihood of inpatient treatment for type 2 diabetics can be reduced by influenza vaccination.

Physicians analyze the data of about 125,000 people with type 2 diabetes for their study

The study analyzed data from about 125,000 people with type 2 diabetes. The results clearly showed that vaccination results in a 19 percent reduction in the risk of acute myocardial infarction. It also reduces the likelihood of suffering a stroke by 30 percent. Vaccinated diabetics also have a 22 percent reduced risk of developing heart disease. The likelihood of dying from the effects of influenza is also 24 percent lower for vaccinated people. (As)