Diabetics In case of an emergency, inform narrow colleagues about illness

Diabetics In case of an emergency, inform narrow colleagues about illness / Health News
People with diabetes should inform close colleagues about disease
People who suffer from diabetes should at least tell their close colleagues. Then there is someone on the job who knows what to do in an emergency. Patients are sometimes no longer able to help themselves with severe hypoglycaemia.
Inform close colleagues about diabetes
"It does not have to be known by everyone!", Some diabetics think and keep their illness secret from others. But that can be dangerous. People who suffer from diabetes and need to inject insulin may not be able to help themselves with severe hypoglycaemia. In the worst case, they can even become unconscious. Although it is usually rare for such incidents, as most sufferers notice in time if they are hypoglycemic. Nevertheless, it may be useful if others know about the disease. The Chairman of the Committee Social Issues at the German Diabetes Association (DDG), Oliver Ebert, recommends to inform at least the closest circle of colleagues. Because then there is someone in the office who knows what to do in an emergency.

To inform friends and colleagues. Image: Trueffelpix - fotolia

Fast supply of sugar
It is important to recognize the first signs of hypoglycaemia. Indications may include tremors, excessive sweating, inner restlessness, nervousness or difficulty concentrating. Or even if the person concerned seems confused because, for example, he says incoherent sentences. If this is the case, it is important that the person is supplied as quickly as possible with carbohydrates in the form of glucose or a lemonade. Also, the DDG advises to administer sugar in hypoglycaemia, as long as the patient is still conscious. However, if he is unconscious, an emergency call should always be made. (Ad)