Health News - Page 1762

The world after 44 years in prison

What does the world look like when locked up for 44 years? After decades in prison, Otis Johnson tells how...

The walnut convinced with its fine aroma and health benefits

The queen of nuts: The walnut is energetic and very healthy Especially in the cold season like to eat nuts....

The advance payment at the family doctor is a Mogelpackung

Mogelpackung Prepayment with the family doctor: Consumer centers, health insurance funds and social organizations speak out a warning of the...

The many truths of homeopathy

Homeopathy research Homeopathy is controversial - even in research. Who believes that science has objective knowledge and therefore society and...

Strengthen the digestion of natural

Good digestion is the foundation of our health. Vital substances are absorbed while harmful substances are eliminated. The purpose of...

The Non-Healing Practitioner Former health practitioner calls for professional standards

Anousch Mueller became a non-medical practitioner after bad experiences with the "Apparatemedizin". Today's journalist sees the technical basis of many...

The top 10 of the biggest food fraudsters in Germany

The Top 10 Food Fraud: Be Careful Especially When Buying On The InternetBlack sheep are available anytime, anywhere. Food fraud,...

The top 10 distractions when driving a car and texting

Driving at the wheel is dangerous and is often the cause of penalties and accidents. The current survey by the...

The search for the knowledge of ancient healing arts

How can old healing arts be combined with modern medicine?? Can traditional healing arts of other civilizations be linked to...