The search for the knowledge of ancient healing arts

The search for the knowledge of ancient healing arts / Health News

How can old healing arts be combined with modern medicine??

Can traditional healing arts of other civilizations be linked to modern medicine so that they enrich each other? This question is dedicated to one of the most famous doctors in Germany, Professor Dr. med. Dietrich Grönemeyer. He traveled to Africa, Tibet, Brazil, Australia and Korea, among other places, to learn alternative healing methods. In his new book "World Medicine" the doctor and bestselling author reports about his experiences with naturopathy.

During his travels, Professor dr. Introduce Grönemeyer into the basics of forgotten natural remedies by experienced users. Among other things, he learned practices from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanism, Tibetan Medicine, Herbalism of the Aborigines and Ayurveda. To reconcile the traditional knowledge of medicine with modern medicine, the well-known doctor regards this as a life project.

Unravel the secrets of traditional medicine and combine these findings with modern medicine - this is the life project of Professor Dr. med. Dietrich Grönemeyer. (Image: Alexander Raths /

Complete the existing knowledge with lost

Professor Grönemeyer summarizes the medical knowledge of world cultures for the first time in a book. He sees the future of medicine in the synthesis between the traditional knowledge of healers and the scientific knowledge of today. In his book, for example, he answers questions about how to regulate the heart rhythm through meditation, whether people can actually get well by laying on their hands, or why traditional techniques such as acupuncture work.

Not just for esoterics

Anyone who thinks that Grönemeyer is a dreamy esoteric is wrong. As a renowned physician, the professor was the chair of radiology and microtherapy at the University of Witten / Herdecke until 2012. In 1997 he founded the interdisciplinary Grönemeyer Institute for Microtherapy in Bochum. As an author, he has published numerous bestsellers in the health sector.

The medicine of the future with the knowledge of the past

The greatest dream of the doctor is to combine the old knowledge with the modern possibilities. As a doctor, scientist and author, Dietrich Grönemeyer is one of the decisive advocates of medicine between modernity and tradition. To bring the two areas a little closer, he founded the Grönemeyer Foundation for World Medicine. The Foundation would like to document traditional healing knowledge, so that it is not irretrievably lost.

A new center of natural medicine?

The foundation wants to promote the integration process of natural medicine into the practice of modern medicine and to demonstrate the scientific effectiveness of traditional forms of healing. Furthermore, the team around Grönemeyer would like to develop new forms of treatment that combine scientific high-tech medicine and alternative healing methods from all over the world.

Ambitious goals

In addition, the foundation also wants to be a publication forum for selected naturopathic publications, which should address both therapists and the general public. In addition, institutions that are already researching in the field of traditional and integrative medicine should be supported. The medium-term goal is also to create a training center for therapists in the field of integrative medicine. (Vb)