Strengthen the digestion of natural

Strengthen the digestion of natural / Health News
Good digestion is the foundation of our health. Vital substances are absorbed while harmful substances are eliminated. The purpose of digestion is to break down carbohydrates, protein and fat into their components. In addition, our highly complex digestive system is able to make tens of thousands of other substances available to the organism. For a sensitive interaction of stomach, intestine, liver, bile and pancreas is necessary. For them to work, a healthy diet high in fiber is important.

Problems preprogrammed
A system as complicated as our digestive tract can quickly get out of gear. The cause may be pathological changes in the organs or medication. Often, however, the complaints are due to improper diet. Some respond to high-fat, very sweet or spicy foods with digestive problems, others hit mental stress on the stomach. Stress can cause diarrhea or constipation. Then there is time for a targeted grasp in the natural pharmacy.

Chamomile is one of the best home remedies for heartburn. The medicinal plant calms and relaxes the stomach and has an anti-inflammatory effect. (Image: aidart /

When the stomach pinches and grumbles
When gastric pressure and bloating stomach and intestinal tea helps mild from the pharmacy (by H & S). The active ingredients of yarrow, anise and fennel counteract feelings of fullness and soothe with flatulence. In mild cramps helps tart-spicy intestinal healing tea with fennel, anise and cumin, rounded off with marigolds and mallow flowers. Mild effective and pleasant in the taste are pure fennel tea or the classic fennel anise caraway.

Not only lice are over the liver
The liver, our most important detoxification organ, is often underestimated in terms of digestion. Nothing works without the liver when it comes to fat digestion, cholesterol or the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Through the gallbladder, the digestive juices produced in the liver are directed into the intestine if necessary.

Horehound, wormwood, dandelion - again in the juice
Caress your liver. She is exposed daily to high loads. Bitter substances are the best way of supporting the liver. Particularly concentrated are the important bitter substances in fresh plant press juices from artichoke, hornet and dandelion (by Schoenenberger). A "cocktail" after eating, mixed with water or vegetable juice, can work wonders. Tea herbs that also contain these bitter substances are, for example, wormwood or dandelion (from H & S). These promote the bile flow and so relieve bloating and fullness. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the ingredients, quality from the pharmacy is required.

Heartburn - herbs instead of acid blockers
Heartburn is a serious problem for sufferers and a clear sign of overworking the stomach. Mostly too luscious, too fatty foods or alcohol are the reason why the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus does not close completely. The result: stomach acid runs into the esophagus and causes a painful burning sensation. Doctors then quickly prescribe acid blockers, so-called proton pump inhibitors. They reduce acid production in the stomach by up to 98%. This leads in the long run to reduced calcium intake and bacteria in the stomach. It is better to use herbal power in acute heartburn. Real chamomile, fennel, lemon balm and marshmallow leaves soothe the over-excited stomach. Make a strong infusion of tea and drink it in slow sips.