Stimulate the digestion - in a natural way

Stimulate the digestion - in a natural way /

With these natural remedies you get your digestion going

If it does not work properly with the digestion, many causes come into consideration. Because our gut can be very sensitive to even the smallest changes. A lack of exercise or an unfavorable diet, for example, can quickly lead to constipation and a virus infection often brings the digestive rhythm completely out of rhythm.

However, there are a variety of herbs, spices and other medicinal plants that have a naturally stimulating effect and thereby relieve unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, constipation or bloating. Often, the natural digestive process can be effectively supported by small changes in eating and living habits.


  • With these natural remedies you get your digestion going
  • Digestion and naturopathy
  • Bitter substances bring the digestion in motion
  • Healthy support by salads and vegetables
  • Digestive aids from the spice rack
  • Stimulating healing teas
  • Apples keep the gut healthy
  • By proper eating behavior stimulate the digestion

Digestion and naturopathy

Digestion has a special significance in natural medicine. With a well-functioning digestion physical and mental health as well as stable defenses are combined. Digestive disorders, on the other hand, can be associated with many unpleasant symptoms, e.g. Heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea.

Who has problems with digestion, often suffers from bloating and a flat stomach. (Image: photophonie /

Frequently occurs a bacterial incorrect colonization of the intestinal flora (dysbiosis), which in turn can lead to permeability of the intestinal mucosa (leaky gut syndrome) and thus to food intolerances, especially lactose intolerance.

Conversely, a contaminated intestinal flora can only lead to problems, e.g. food remains undigested due to the lack of bacteria can not be broken down. Fouling gases with flatulence are a possible consequence here.

Since large parts of the immune system are localized in the intestine, persistent indigestion is also associated with the development of a general immune deficiency, allergies, autoimmune diseases, skin diseases and even cancer. In the naturopathic saying "Death is in the gut", these suspected relationships are briefly and drastically formulated.

Bitter substances bring the digestion in motion

Digestion does not start with the breakdown of carbohydrates in the mouth. In fact, not only "eating" the eye, but also nose and tongue make decisions. Through the sensory impressions that we absorb at the sight, smell and taste of the food, gastric juice production is set in motion at an early stage by irritating the vagus nerve. Especially bitter notes, which spread on our tongue, have a stimulating effect.

Corresponding herb mixtures (prepared as granules) therefore only need to be chewed for about a minute to aid digestion just before eating. It is not necessary (but not detrimental) to swallow the bitter porridge. Bitter booze are usually served to stimulate after a meal.

The consumption of a chicory salad before the main meal stimulates the digestion. (Image: mates /

Healthy support by salads and vegetables

With the consumption of certain salads and raw food everyone can stimulate his digestion in a tasty way. That is why salads to promote digestion should also initiate the meal before the warm gait. Again, the more bitter, the more effective.

Among the field and garden salads, especially endive salad and chicory meet this criterion. Endive leaves contain substances that stimulate the pancreas and bile by activating hormone substances in the gastric mucosa. The latter can also contribute to a high degree to the chicory, so that it is preferably recommended for slower liver and bile function. Other natural digestive aids include artichokes and Brussels sprouts.

Suitable wild salads are especially the dandelion, which is known to stimulate especially the liver and gall bladder, as well as the stinging nettle, which also stimulates the pancreas to form digestive juices. Both can be eaten raw as a salad, served as a vegetable garnish or prepared as a soup.

Digestive aids from the spice rack

Almost every kitchen cabinet holds one or the other spice ready, which is effective as a home remedy for bloating or digestive problems
can be used. Spices can be added daily to the menu. Anise, cloves, ginger and cardamom increase the appetite and production of digestive juices. They can be used in baking, in soups, sauces and in the production of beverages.

Fennel, caraway, coriander and garlic are especially characterized by their flatulence-preventing effect. Less well-known is generally the digestive action of basil, thyme, juniper, rosemary, lovage, oregano and marjoram.

Stimulating healing teas

There are many well-known Teedrogen known from which beneficial healing teas can be produced. To avoid bloating, gastric emptying can be accelerated with peppermint. The muscle tone of the stomach and intestine is stimulated by preparations of hay, angelica root, bitter clover, sage, turmeric, lemon balm, yarrow or cinnamon bark and stimulates the organs to increased movement.

The bitter medicinal plants, however, ensure sufficient production and secretion of gastric acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes. Aloe, gentian, wormwood and rhubarb root can be drunk as tea or in a known recipe according to Maria Treben with other medicinal plants as a small Swedish bittersweet.

Recipe for a soothing digestive tea

For a large cup you need:

  • A quarter of a liter of water
  • 20 g of chamomile flowers
  • 20 g peppermint
  • 10 g yarrow herb
  • 10 g gentian root

Bring the water to a boil. Mix the other ingredients and pour 2 teaspoons of it with the boiling water. Now cover the cup and leave to soak for about 10 minutes. Then peel off the tea and drink it unsweetened and in small sips after eating.

Apples contain valuable fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion and intestinal health. (Image: Syda Productions /

Apples keep the gut healthy

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" - over and over again studies come to the conclusion that the old English proverb applies and apples are particularly valuable for the health. The "nutrient bombs", for example, have a positive effect on cholesterol, diabetes or cardiovascular disease. But that's not all: the "miracle cure" apple can also regulate digestion.

It is believed that this effect is due to the abundant indigestible fiber in apples. These so-called "pectins" have a digestive effect and support the health of the intestine. Experts recommend eating two apples regularly for a healthy colon. The fruit should not be peeled for consumption, as most of the nutrients are in or just below the shell.

A tasty variation is a quark with apples. Consumed at breakfast or in the evening, it helps to naturally stimulate digestion.

Recipe for a portion of apple quark:

  • 125g thin quark
  • 1 organic apple
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed
  • 1 tsp honey

Put the curd in a bowl. Wash the apple thoroughly and rub (with peel) into the Qaurk. Then add the linseed and honey and mix the ingredients together.

By proper eating behavior stimulate the digestion

In addition to the selection of ingredients, the eating behavior also determines the extent to which the body ignites its digestive power. So the obligatory drink to eat as a habit should rather be a thing of the past. The liquid mixes with the digestive juices formed and thus loses its power to split the food.

On the other hand, the food has a beneficial effect in a quiet, irritating environment. Devotional chewing and tasting of the food, also known as "fletching", can assist the herbs, spices and salads to stimulate digestion at the very beginning of the meal. (jvs, nr, updated on 19.8.2016)