The Non-Healing Practitioner Former health practitioner calls for professional standards

The Non-Healing Practitioner Former health practitioner calls for professional standards / Health News
Anousch Mueller became a non-medical practitioner after bad experiences with the "Apparatemedizin". Today's journalist sees the technical basis of many naturopaths skeptical and calls for a sound education to audited standards.

Irrational indoctrination?
In her book, "Non-Healing Practitioners: How Healing Practitioners Play with Our Health," she criticizes: There is no regular training, and non-medical practitioner candidates are brainwashed with irrational theories. Non-medical practitioners would discourage patients from medically effective therapies and at best abuse ineffective practices.

Anousch Mueller considers treatments such as Reiki or bioresonance to be scientifically unfounded.

Hotbed for conspiracy theories
She denies that methods such as bioresonance or cell therapies, reiki or kinesiology are more than superstition and sees ineffective treatments run unregulated. These officially unchecked treatments are also big business. The non-medical practitioner scene was a breeding ground for conspiracy theories and vaccine opponents.

No sound education
The multiple choice test, whose existence legitimize to work as a naturopath, is insufficient as a professional basis. Mueller writes: "These are tens of thousands of medical practitioners who, without sound medical education, have frighteningly many powers that in many ways approach those of doctors."

Naturopaths may inject, treat open wounds or work as psychotherapists without having the necessary professionalism.

Authorization for psychosomatic disorders
"Alternative Medicine" is quite justified when it comes to psychosomatic illnesses and psychological assistance. Unfortunately, she has long been in the field of real medicine and promises to be able to cure cancer, asthma, diabetes or serious mental illnesses.

Charlatanry and mistaken beliefs
Charlatans or (false) believers promise to know the "true cause" of the most serious diseases and to be able to heal them. The methods they used for this had already been a "temporary solution" in medicine in the Middle Ages, because there was nothing else.

Reform of the healing practice
Despite everything, Mueller does not want to abolish the healing practice, but to reform it. She calls for a uniform and verified Heilpraktiker approval and also shows how to distinguish reputable non-medical practitioners from fraudsters.

How to recognize scammers
In her book, Mueller shows how charlatans perceive themselves. Fraud is therefore likely to occur when:

1.) The product is praised by an exotic as well as unverifiable origin, such as Himalayan salts, rain forest secrecy, Hawaii shamanism etc.

2.) Promises healing, especially in severe diseases, where "conventional medicine fails".

3.) Extensive experience to prove the effect, without clinical studies, or these "experiences" are verifiable.

4.) The remedy should be effective against various diseases that have nothing to do with each other.

5.) If failures in the "treatment" are attributed to previous or simultaneous therapies of "conventional medicine".

6.) The product is tied to individuals and institutions who earn it with very high prices

7.) It should have no side effects, in contrast to means of "conventional medicine" against these diseases

8.) The application is very complicated, and the patient is held responsible if he stays ill because he "did not take the remedy properly".

9.) It is unclear why this 'effective' product is not approved as a medicinal product.

Serious health practitioners
According to Mueller, reputable non-medical practitioners draw the following:

1) They answer questions posed by the patient and admit that they do not know the answer, but do not themselves ask leading questions that guide the person concerned in a direction the therapist desires.

2) You ask value-free for medical diagnoses and previous therapies, without condemning them and promoting his "alternative method" as the royal road.

3) You do not make diagnoses that are scientifically refuted. These include: iris diagnostics, kinesiology, commuting, bioresonance, aurophotography or electroacupuncture.

4) They do not generally condemn medically prescribed medications and, above all, vaccinations.

5) Develop a treatment plan with the patient, in which they justify each step in an understandable way and answer the questions of the patient in a well-founded way.

6) They do not teach patients into worldviews such as karma, subtle beings or conspiracy theories.

7) You do not use any agents that can cause severe allergies.

8) You can prove that you have been trained in life-saving measures.

9) They do not promise "miraculous healings".

10) They document every step of the treatment.

How do naturopaths react to the criticism?
The reactions of practicing naturopaths to the book are controversial. Some consider this criticism long overdue. For example, a reviewer on Amazon who has been working as a naturopath for ten years writes: "There is no other profession that has so many hobby demagogues and conspiracy theorists for whom it is a matter of embarrassment as members of this profession. For example, Hamer's New Germanic Medicine ("Jews are immune to cancer") is starting to find more and more devotees among non-medical practitioners. All in all, a very readable book especially for naturopaths who are interested in a long-term survival of your profession. "

Others, however, ask whether Ms. Müller here wants to discredit an entire profession. An Ellen L., also on Amazon, remarks: "So what is the aim of Anousch Mueller? To improve the alternative practitioner training? To denigrate the naturopaths in general, to stamp in the esoteric corner, to deport in the field of paramedic medicine? The remarks are repeated like a prayer wheel (eg the topics of homeopathy and vaccination ...) are not convincing. If Anousch Mueller feels called to evaluate the status of naturopaths, then please serious and scientific. "

Anousch Müller's book "Un-Heilpratiker - How health practitioners play with our health" has been published by Riemann Verlag and costs 16.99 euros. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)