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Health News - Page 1660
Explanation for shrink fingers after bathing
Scientists analyze the phenomenon of wrinkled skin in the computer model 06/02/2014 Everyone knows the phenomenon of wrinkled skin after...
Recovery with simple mindfulness training in everyday life
Do not just relax on vacation: train mindfulness in everyday lifeIncreasing stress and work pressure mean that more and more...
Relaxation on vacation Younger people relax badly
Younger people relax less: Many can not switch off on vacation 27/08/2013 According to a Forsa survey commissioned by the...
Does our intestinal microbiome recover after the use of antibiotics?
How do antibiotics affect bacteria in the gut?? When people use antibiotics, it causes a change in the bacteria in...
Restful deep sleep with the help of hypnosis
Hypnosis can significantly improve sleep 06/02/2014 Hypnosis is suitable for prolonging restful deep sleep, according to a recent study by...
Restful sleep can protect against dementia
Restful sleep reduces the risk of dementia 20/01/2014 Scientists from Canada have probably found a link between the onset of...
Increased care insurance required
The Association of Social Services demands an increase in long-term care insurance. Dementia will increase significantly in the next twenty...
Increasing the Gray matter 3-D Video Games for Dementia Prevention?
3-D video games could help with dementia prevention There are around 1.6 million people with dementia in Germany, most of...
Increased accident risk due to time change
During the time change, there is an increased risk of accidents. Every third woman suffers from the change of time....
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