Relaxation on vacation Younger people relax badly

Relaxation on vacation Younger people relax badly / Health News

Younger people relax less: Many can not switch off on vacation


According to a Forsa survey commissioned by the German Employees Health Insurance "DAK Gesundheit", younger people can not really switch off on holiday and have a rest. There is no sunshine on the dream beach and no extended hiking tour through beautiful mountain worlds. Responsible for this is the meantime constant accessibility or simply just stress in the family.

The study found that one in five between the ages of 30-44 can not stop thinking about work during their time off. According to their own statements, 13 percent of them claim constant accessibility from the employer and account for 26 percent „Stress in the family“ responsible for the less relaxation on holiday. Older people, on the other hand, have not so much problems with the shutdown.

It is well known that recovery should not take place in the sense of employability, because everyone has the right to leisure and recreation and, consequently, to a limitation of working hours. This basic need was even written down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

People over 60 years can relax better
The survey also found that women seem to have a harder time distancing themselves from working life on vacation than men. 16 percent of respondents said „less well“ or even“not good at all“ have recovered. For men, this was only 12 percent.

However, the group of over-60s could go on their summer vacation „enjoy very well“ and switch off. Only eight percent from these age groups claimed to be in this year „less well“ or „not at all“ to have recovered.

Nature and sun as guarantors for recreation
But not everyone has problems switching off on holiday. For example, 42 percent of respondents said they were „ very well „ 43 percent rated their recovery as „Well. The reasons why you could relax well were different.

For 82 percent, the „good "to „very good "The good weather, with long days of sunshine, and the stay in nature, but also the time spent with the family (71 percent) and the time that could be spent on one's own (70 percent ) were crucial for refueling new power.

In 64 percent, "the elimination of everyday work overload coupled with a lack of space was the key to recovery". In contrast to the "widespread opinion that cell phone and mobile Internet use leads to more stress, only 31 percent said that they would not be able to do so".

One in ten employees was ill while on vacation
For every tenth respondent, injuries and illness had thwarted the holiday. Seven percent even suffered a sunburn. Conclusion: breaks, whether just for a short while or for a few days, are the oldest remedy for fatigue in ongoing and strenuous activities. (Fr)

Picture: Rike