Recovery with simple mindfulness training in everyday life

Recovery with simple mindfulness training in everyday life / Health News
Do not just relax on vacation: train mindfulness in everyday life
Increasing stress and work pressure mean that more and more people are getting sick because of their job. The consequences include sleep disorders, high blood pressure, stomach problems or even psychosomatic complaints. To prevent this, you should always recover and regenerate - and not only on vacation.

Workload is increasing
Many workers are increasingly required in the job. Stress and work pressure endanger the health. Those who are constantly energized are at greater risk for sleep disorders, high blood pressure, stomach problems and psychosomatic complaints. In order to prevent employees should provide again and again for sufficient recovery.

Some people think they can recover, especially on holiday, and reduce stress. But recovery should be integrated according to experts in everyday life. Mindfulness training can help here. (Image:

Regeneration must not be limited to holidays
As the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN) reports on the website "", recovery should not only be limited to holidays, but also a firm one in everyday life Be part of it. Regular regeneration phases in the leisure time are important for the well-being, the efficiency and to build up resources.

Illusion of the "concentrated recovery"
"Some people see holidays as a period of time to relax and reduce their stress," said DGPPN President. Iris Hauth. According to the expert, however, studies have shown that "after-vacation recovery is over after two to four weeks, depending on the quality of the leave and subsequent workload". It is more of an illusion, "to consider the holiday as a" concentrated recovery "that helps people through the dry spell until the next vacation".

Measures for individual relaxation
"Appropriate measures for individual relaxation with mental and physical regeneration must be carried out regularly, otherwise you run the risk of not finding relaxation on holiday and on weekends," said Dr. med. Hauth. It is important to consider one's own needs and to be able to turn off the job mentally.

According to experts, among other things, it is important for the balance of job and leisure time to schedule times of leisure and to integrate recreation into everyday life. Leisure activities should provide pleasure and enjoyment and represent a kind of counterbalance to the strain of work.

Training mindfulness
The President of DGPPN proposes a so-called mindfulness training. "By training mindfulness, you can train yourself to consciously distance yourself from things that actually do not matter in the here and now, but just superimpose the moment," Dr. Hauth. "If one succeeds in staying in closer contact with oneself through more awareness, this leads to more authenticity in everyday life and thus to more self-esteem, well-being and it reduces the stress experience."

Effectiveness confirmed in scientific studies
Interest in mindfulness-based procedures has grown in recent years. Meanwhile, their effectiveness has been confirmed in scientific research, especially in dealing with mental stress, mental illness and pain. One study showed that mindfulness training in combination with behavioral therapy can relieve back pain. Usually the exercises are used against everyday stress.

Other than wellness
According to DGPPN, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is one of the best researched training programs of recent decades. It is designed as an eight-week program with two and a half hour group sessions. "Mindfulness is something other than wellness or relaxation and more than just being careful or paying special attention. If you do it seriously, it can be profound because you learn to focus on yourself and improve your self-image, "Dr. Hauth.

A sustained effect of mindfulness training is achieved in particular by the fact that the participants independently continue the exercises they have learned at home and integrate them into their daily work routine. Then sometimes just a few minutes focus on the present to be prepared for the work stress. (Ad)