
memory /

The memory of the human being denotes the ability to mentally imitate a lived scenario from the past. In the memory, not only pictorial elements and film scenes, but also sounds and smells are stored in the brain. But first of all, emotions associated with the scenario are associated with a memory. Sequential long-term memory, also called episodic memory, is responsible for memory. From person to person and also depending on the type of memory, the intensity of memories is different. This ranges from almost real empathy of the situation to spongy, vague pseudo-pictures. According to psychological research, similar memories that are often experienced merge into a scheme in which a single memory is difficult to recall. Increasing age, accidents and illnesses can have an effect on memory, leading for example to memory loss, memory lapses and poor memory. (Vb)

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Research: Brain recalls memories at incredible speeds The human brain is confronted with countless details every day. Many of the si ...
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