Restful deep sleep with the help of hypnosis

Restful deep sleep with the help of hypnosis / Health News

Hypnosis can significantly improve sleep


Hypnosis is suitable for prolonging restful deep sleep, according to a recent study by sleep researchers from the Universities of Zurich and Friborg. Many people suffer from sleep disorders that affect their daily performance and weaken their immune system. Often the handle follows the sleeping drug, but these should be used in view of the threat of side effects, however, only very limited. According to the results of the current study, hypnotherapy offers a promising alternative, reports the University of Zurich. The study was published in the specialist magazine „Sleep“.

Deep sleep is particularly important for people, because it promotes well-being, improves our memory and strengthens our immune system, explain the researchers to study director Professor Dr. med. Björn Rasch from the Department of Psychology at the University of Friborg. So would in the deep sleep phases for example „Secreted growth hormones, which stimulate the repair of cells and stimulate the immune system.“ Overall, good sleep is crucial for physical and mental recovery. But the desire for restful sleep, does not help against sleep disorders, as these can not be resolved by the will alone - so the previous assumption. However, hypnosis seems to have a very positive effect. „This opens up new, promising ways to improve sleep quality without medication“, explained the biopsychologist Prof. Rasch.

Effect of hypnosis on sleep objectively measured
Within the project „Sleep and learning“ the researchers have for the current study „objective measurements“ of sleep by means of an electroencephalogram (EEG) performed in 70 healthy young women. „Deep sleep, which is said to be highly regenerative, is characterized by a very smooth and slow wave motion of electrical activity in the brain“, reports the University of Zurich. The study participants came to the sleep laboratory for a 90-minute nap and heard either a special 13-minute deep sleep hypnosis (developed by the hypnotherapist specializing in sleep Prof. Angelika Schlarb, Bielefeld University) or a neutral spoken text before going to sleep. Before the experiment, the subjects were „classified as moderately hypnotizable and less well hypnotizable by a standard procedure (Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility)“, reports the University of Zurich. According to the experts, around half of the population is hypnotizable, with women on average achieving slightly higher levels of hypnotizability than men.

Deep sleep rate has increased by 80 percent
According to the researchers, hypnosis can influence processes that are deliberately difficult to control. Previous studies and day-to-day practice have already shown that patients with sleep disorders can be successfully treated with hypnotherapy, but „Whether this also achieves an objectively measurable change in sleep has not yet been proven“, reports the University of Zurich. The EEG measurement of the electrical activity in the brain of the subjects should now provide information. „The sleep researchers Maren Cordi and Björn Rasch were able to prove in their study that well hypnotizable women after listening to deep sleep hypnosis compared to sleep after hearing the neutral text showed an increased by 80 percent deep sleep“, This is the message of the University of Zurich. In addition, hypnosis reduced the waking time by about one third. However, in contrast to the other study participants, less-hypnotizable women did not benefit from hypnosis. Additional control experiments clearly show that the hypnotic effect of hypnosis on deep sleep is due to the hypnotic suggestion „to sleep deeper“ conditional and not purely reducible to expectation effects.

Hypnosis instead of sleeping pills
Psychologist Maren Cordi from the University of Zurich emphasized that „the results are particularly important for patients with sleep problems and older adults“ are. „Because unlike many sleep medications hypnosis is free of side effects“, the sleep researcher continues. Although women are more hypnotizable than men, the same positive effects on sleep could be expected for well hypnotizable men. Basically, an improvement in sleep with the help of hypnosis is possible in all people who respond to hypnosis. The project „Sleep and learn“ has set itself the goal of identifying the psychological and neurophysiological mechanisms which „underlying the positive role of sleep for our memory and mental health.“ The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of Zurich (Clinical Research Focus „Sleep and health“). (Fp)