Health News - Page 1334

Hoarseness Little talk and as much fresh air as possible can help

Natural help with hoarseness: Little talk and lots of fresh air At the moment many parts of the so-called "old-summer-summer"...

Local winter vegetables So healthy is the superfood cabbage

Tasty and healthy: Kohl is a local superfoodEspecially in the cold season, the vitamin C intake is particularly important because...

Local superfood spinach and kale as healthy as the exotics

Whether chia seeds, carob, goji or açaí berries: the so-called "superfoods" are currently on everyone's lips. Characteristic of the mostly...

Local vegetables Get well with cabbage and co in winter

Especially in the cold season it is important to strengthen your own immune system and to stay fit through a...

Native salads in winter Nitrate content can be reduced

Local salads even in winterSalad needs nitrate to grow. The plants pick it up from the ground and use it...

Residents need to agree to increase retirement costs

Residents need to agree to increase retirement costsKarlsruhe (jur). Retirement homes and nursing homes may not demand a higher home...

Healing effects of aloe vera

Aloe vera: first aid from the flowerpot (31.07.2010) Since ancient times, the healing effects of Aloe vera known and until...

Heilwasserkur a healthy alternative

More and more people are making a healing water cure 08/23/2013 Purification or base fasting are popular ways to revitalize...

Healing AIDS possible in 5 years

HIV symposium near Munich: In five years, a complete cure of AIDS could be possible 17/03/2012 The immune deficiency disease...