Heilwasserkur a healthy alternative

Heilwasserkur a healthy alternative / Health News

More and more people are making a healing water cure


Purification or base fasting are popular ways to revitalize your body and mind. But even a tincture with so-called healing water is a good alternative to get rid of a few pounds or to calm the stomach.

The German Spas Association explains the application as follows: 1 to 2.5 liters per day over a period of four to six weeks to be taken. You can replace by the scheduled water part of the usual drinks. The water can also be easily started at home. Especially with an over-acidified stomach or if the body suffers from mineral deficiencies, healing water can counteract this. The association recommends such a cure two to three times a year.

What healing water can be seen
According to the Association of German Mineral Wells, medicinal water may only be called water if it has been approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). In addition, there is the necessary manufacturing permission, so that the well can produce commercially. An important basis for the analytical report is the so-called curative water full analysis with the results of physical, chemical and microbiological testing.

The provider must prove the efficacy and safety of medicinal water scientifically. According to the association, this is usually done by means of a detailed expert report based on clinical studies or cognitive material prepared by scientific methods.

For the consumer, the label must show:
- The name of the medicinal water and the address of the Heilbrunnenbetrieb
- The official approval number
- The batch designation
- The analysis extract with effective ingredients
- The recommended amount of drink

Also important are the areas of application, what are contraindications and - if any - the side effects and interactions.

For use
The water should be drunk lukewarm rather than too cold, so that it is digestible and does not deprive the stomach too much heat. As a result, the minerals and trace elements contained therein are better absorbed. It is recommended to start drinking water immediately after getting up. The healing water taken directly before meals stimulates digestion. When it comes to the end of the cure, you reduce daily with each serving, the amount to return to zero. (Fr)

Picture credits: Anja Skeide