Healing effects of aloe vera

Healing effects of aloe vera / Health News

Aloe vera: first aid from the flowerpot

(31.07.2010) Since ancient times, the healing effects of Aloe vera known and until the First World War, many households were equipped with some plants, which was used as a first aid medicine for minor burns, cuts and collisions injuries. Thereafter, the broad use of the juice was limited mainly to cosmetics, e.g. as an additive in moisturizers. In the meantime, there are many reports from natural medicine and medicine, in addition to the known effect on injuries and wounds, on the use in skin and mucous membrane diseases, metabolic and digestive disorders, chronic pain, cancer and AIDS.

Aloe vera:
Aloe, queen of medicinal plants
Old reports speak for the healing power
300 ingredients in aloe vera
Easy to apply aloe vera
Alo vera helps with injuries
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Aloe, queen of medicinal plants

The Aloe vera Linnaeus, also as „Queen of medicinal plants“ known, is the cosmetically and medically most used representative of the Aloe family. It grows wild in the dry areas of North Africa, the Canary Islands, South and Central America to Russia and the dry Mediterranean areas. In addition there are many additional growing areas, e.g. in China or India. The aloe likes dry-sandy soil and lots of sunlight. The stem of the plant can reach up to 60 cm in height and be about 6 cm thick. The effective juice of the aloe sits in its fleshy leaves, which are surrounded by a solid skin shell.

Old reports speak for the healing power

Ancient myths and traditions point to a long history of experience with the aloe as medicinal plant out. Thus, a professor from Leipzig in 1873, a 3500 years old Egyptian papyrus with records on the healing effects of „Plants Queen“ found. For Alexander the Great, the aloe juice was indispensable as the best (first) aid for injury to his warriors. And it is said to have been Thomas the Infidel, an apostle of Jesus, who introduced the plant into India in 50 AD, where it still holds its place in Ayurveda herbal medicine. Finally, from the aloe as „Indian medicine“ read, which helped the natives of America, despite weapons-like inferiority in the war of conquest against the white settlers faster and better to recover from gunshot wounds and stab wounds.

300 ingredients in aloe vera

The list of medical effective ingredients is long. Up to 300 different ingredients have been found so far in the various aloe species. Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C and E and a whole range of B vitamins. Equally important are the amino acids that are important for protein production and protein balance and enzymes that support all healing processes in the body and thus u.a. explain the good effect on wound and scar healing. The mineral composition with a very high proportion of iron and the trace elements zinc, chromium and manganese is also very suitable for strengthening the body's defenses. The special composition explains the broad spectrum of action on the immune system, skin, metabolism and digestion.

Easy to apply aloe vera

Alo vera is easy to clean and easy to apply. For healing purposes in general, but especially inwardly only 100% pure aloe juice should be used. It can be preserved in organic stores, health food stores or specialized distributors, or it can be obtained directly from the plant, preserved only with natural ascorbic acid. To enjoy the benefits of aloe vera as a first aid plant for the household in its purest form, it is sufficient to buy two to three plants, ideally at the age of two to four years. A bright, sunny spot in the windowsill and a bit of sandy soil are enough to meet the modest demands of this queen. It must be cast in the summer at the very most every week, even less in winter. Cactus fertilizer in economical use is gratefully received.

Alo vera helps with injuries

First aid for minor injuries. In order to harvest the juice freshly, an aloe leaf is cut off, at the bottom cut open and the juice pushed out. In dark glasses, storage in the refrigerator is possible for several weeks.

Abrasions, cuts and tears in the skin can be drizzled with the juice for hemostasis or the leaf is placed directly on the injury. Pain from burns is immediately relieved by applying a cloth soaked in pure aloe juice. After bumping a bruise can be prevented with a warm aloe juice cover. At first signs of wheals due to food allergies (e.g., strawberries), the itching may be stopped by rubbing aloe juice. In sunburn and insect bites also prevents the antibacterial effect of the juice inflammation, so that burning and sting heal quickly and easily. In all applications, the sooner the treatment with aloe juice, the faster the symptoms have disappeared. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner, 30.07.2010)

Read on

Beringer, Alice: Aloe vera - Natural Beauty and Wellbeing by the Queen of Medicinal Plants, Heyne 2000
Peuser, Michael: Aloe - Empress of Medicinal Plants, São Paulo 2000