Local winter vegetables So healthy is the superfood cabbage

Local winter vegetables So healthy is the superfood cabbage / Health News
Tasty and healthy: Kohl is a local superfood
Especially in the cold season, the vitamin C intake is particularly important because of the frequent colds caused by the wet and cold weather. Local vegetables like kale are as healthy here as exotic superfood.

From classic to trendy vegetables
Kale is especially popular in northern Germany. But also in other regions, the winter vegetables are increasingly on the plate, especially since it was in the US, where it is called "kale", the trendy trendy vegetables. The cabbage can be not only hearty, but also easy and delicious to prepare. For example, in the form of a bright green kale sauce or as an exotic side dish. In addition, the vegetables taste like salad, with pasta, marinated or fried in oil. Even kale chips are now available. The vegetables are, like other cabbages, very healthy and local.

Cabbage varieties such as green, rose or cauliflower are full of important vitamins, minerals and nutrients. However, the vegetables are not only healthy, they are also local and therefore recommendable in terms of sustainability. (Image: nolonely-fotolia.com)

Brussels sprouts with many health benefits
"With the Kohl trend, new emphasis is placed on sustainability and regional enjoyment," explained nutritionist and cookbook author Hildegard Möller in a report from the dpa news agency, which also provides a brief overview of various types of cabbage.

As the nutrition expert Harald Seitz said in the agency report, the hype surrounding the curly kale is well justified: "Hardly any vegetables have such high levels of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and bioactive substances in a balanced composition as kale."

However, this only applies to fresh cabbage. "The more the cabbage is processed, the less of the substance from the original product is still contained," says Seitz.

According to other experts, kale scores well with the included healthy phytochemicals, which have an antioxidant effect and can lower cholesterol levels.

Moreover, it has been scientifically proven that kale has anti-inflammatory effects and lowers the risk of cancer. According to one study, this cabbage contains significantly more cancer-preventive substances than other varieties.

However, people who use blood thinners such as Marcurmar should exercise caution when eating kale. Because the vegetables contain high amounts of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting and thus counteract the remedies.

Cauliflower is easier to digest
Cauliflower is different than other types of cabbage, which can indeed be bloating, as wholesome. In addition to ball-like substances, it also contains numerous vitamins and minerals.

These include B vitamins, vitamins C and K, (caution when taking certain blood thinners!) Anti-cancer glucosinolates, iron and potassium.

"Potassium dehydrates the organism," according to Seitz dpa. And iron is particularly important for oxygen transport and blood formation.

Cauliflower can be prepared in many ways. Delicious cauliflower recipes can be found on the internet.

Broccoli strengthens the immune system
Another popular vegetable variety is broccoli. In addition to vitamin C, B vitamins and potassium, the small florets also contain folic acid, which is important for the formation of new cells and nerve metabolism.

Broccoli boosts our immune system and, according to a recent study, lowers blood sugar levels in diabetes.

In addition, the vegetables are rich in glucosinolates. Some of the ingredients are thought to have a cancer-preventing effect. "But you can not say that 100 percent," says Franziska Hanschen from the Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Construction, according to dpa.

The Chinese cabbage, which originally came from the Middle Kingdom, also brings some health benefits. The Kohlart, which is regionally available almost all year round, contains valuable amino acids, B vitamins, vitamin C and glucosinolates.

Kohlrabi is also popular. The crunchy tubers contain glucosinolates, vitamins C and K, folic acid as well as the minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium. The leaves are also edible.

Brussels sprouts are more nutritious
Brussels sprouts are more nutritious compared to other types of cabbage as they have a higher content of fat, protein and sugar. In addition to fiber, he can score with many other positive ingredients: One of them is glucosinolate. There is no more in any other cabbage.

The substance is converted in the body by enzymes into mustard oils. These can inhibit the proliferation of various fungi, bacteria and viruses and promote blood circulation.

The sulfur-containing compounds also have an antioxidant effect, thus protecting the cells in the body.

There are even more health reasons for brussels sprouts: it contains more vitamin C than any other type of cabbage and thus contributes to strengthening the immune system.

It also contains a lot of vitamin B1 (thiamine), protein, potassium, fluorine, magnesium and zinc.

In addition, there is a lot of folic acid in the cabbage, which is especially important during pregnancy. A serving of 200 grams covers the daily requirement.

Red cabbage is just an average vitamin C supplier
Although red cabbage is full-bodied and healthy, the popular side dish to meat dishes in winter is a rather average vitamin supplier.

The cabbage gets its characteristic deep dark red color by the secondary plant material Anthocyan, which protects the body against harmful oxygen radicals.

Cabbage, from which sauerkraut is also made, has a digestive effect. The sauerkraut that is so popular among Germans contains a lot of vitamin C and is very low in calories with 18 kilocalories per 100 grams.

"Sensitive people can avoid the bloating effect by boiling the cabbage briefly in salted water, pouring off the cooking water and cooking with fresh water," explained Harald Seitz in the dpa message.

Savoy cabbage strengthens the immune and nervous system. In addition, the vegetables provide glucosinolate and contain three times as much folic acid as the other types of cabbage. (Ad)