Health News - Page 1199

Iodine loss due to drinking too much?

Study: Drinking too much can cause iodine deficiency 01/05/2011 Drinking a lot is important for your health, but it can...

Jodtabletten store for preventive protection in a reactor accident?

Jodtabletten debate in the context of a possible nuclear accidentIf radioactive iodine has been released in a reactor disaster, iodine...

Iodine tablets in Germany inappropriate

Iodine tablets in Germany inappropriate and dangerous 18/03/2011 Due to the failing nuclear power plants in Fukushima, Japan, many Germans...

Job centers must reimburse contributions for private health insurance

Job centers must fully reimburse contributions for private health insurance. The job centers are now threatening billions in expenditure. Associations...

Jobcenter reduces Pregnant Hartz IV to zero

Jobcenter cuts pregnant Hartz IV set to zero 12/01/2011 As reported by the Unemployed Forum Germany, the job center in...

Jo-Jo effects make diets extremely harmful to health

JoJo cycle: Why every diet represents a health hazard In fact, most doctors and health professionals recommend over-weighting people to...

Jo-Jo effect in most diets

TK nutrition study shows: Six out of ten diets have the yo-yo effect 05/30/2013 In many diets follows the takeaway...

The youngest breast cancer patient worldwide has won the fight against cancer

Shock diagnosis at the age of eight - girl defeats breast cancer Chrissy Turner was diagnosed with breast cancer at...

Youngest population lives in southwest Germany ages differently

Population in Germany ages very differentlyThe population in Germany is getting older. Within 15 years, the average age has risen...