Jo-Jo effect in most diets

Jo-Jo effect in most diets / Health News

TK nutrition study shows: Six out of ten diets have the yo-yo effect


In many diets follows the takeaway consequences of the yo-yo effect, so that result of a recent nutrition study of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). „When the diet is over, you usually fall back into old habits and the body then even places increased energy reserves“, explained the TK nutrition expert Nicole Battenfeld the disadvantage of many diets.

The TK nutritional study shows that almost „every second woman (47 percent) and one in four men (23 percent) ever get rid of pesky pounds with a diet“ wanted to. However, long-term success was limited for most. Six out of ten volunteers showed the so-called yo-yo effect after completing the diet „her weight was as high after a short time as before - or even higher“, reports the TC. „In a one-sided diet is dispensed for a limited period on certain foods. Meanwhile, the organism is on a low profile“, but then again increased reserves are formed, explained Nicole Battenfeld.

Basic diet change instead of diets
In the nutrition study of the technician health insurance, the willingness to lose weight were also questioned about the diet forms used, with the variation being the three most popular diet methods „To eat half as much (FDH), to count points or calories and to eat only single foods such as cabbage or pineapple“ turned out. However, these diet methods often only had the desired success in the short term. „It is therefore better to fundamentally and permanently change the diet“, reports the TC. Here is a change to fruit, vegetables and whole grains recommended. It applies „not less, but to eat differently.“ This is close „every second German (46 percent) ever tried, and usually with success:“

Lack of stamina in diet changes
Almost two-thirds of the respondents who have already undergone a dietary change have, according to the TK, lost their support over the long term. However, 36 percent of those who tried this also failed in the diet change. Lack of stamina was mentioned in the TC nutrition study as the most frequent reason for the failure. To better keep up with the attempt to change the diet, advised the TK nutrition expert Nicole Battenfeld therefore, „to tell the family and friends about the project - on the one hand because you do not give up so quickly and on the other hand, because the support is good and you might even find fellow combatants.“ (Fp)

Picture: S. Hofschlaeger